Natural remedies: Help or harm? With flu season upon us, newsGP speaks to four experts about what GPs should know when it comes to complementary and alternative medicines.
Why down-scheduling medicines is fraught with danger Assoc Prof Mark Morgan questions whether a push to make more prescription-only medicines available over the counter is best for patients.
TGA moves to ease fears over a ‘no deal’ Brexit Imported medicines and devices will be minimally affected under a ‘no deal’ Brexit, according to the Therapeutic Goods Administration.
Undisclosed pharmaceutical payments ‘a cause for concern’ A drop in disclosures related to pharmaceutical company payments to the Australian healthcare sector has prompted calls for more transparency.
New advice on multiple prescribing and complementary medicines A collaboration between Choosing Wisely and the PSA has produced recommendations that provide increased clarity around best prescribing practices.
Federal law designed to protect against medicine shortages Medicine companies will have to report shortages of important medicines as soon as they occur under new legislation passed by the Federal Government.
GP warns against self-prescribing, with almost 90% of Australians on medication Doctors are urging people to consult their GPs before starting new medications, warning they could be doing more harm than good without professional advice.