‘Mobile petri dishes’: What bugs are lurking on GPs’ phones? Did you take your phone to Sydney’s WONCA World Conference? Swabs taken at the event found doctors’ mobiles are a ‘breeding ground for contamination’.
In Practice: Feedback sought on pathology and imaging results GPs have an opportunity to provide feedback on clinical safety and quality management of critical pathology and diagnostic imaging results.
‘Visionary’ review suggests quicker approval of new medicines New subsidised medication approvals would be streamlined and access made easier for vulnerable populations, under a new health technology plan.
Study questions ‘piece-meal’ health prevention funding The Australian research shows only a sliver of the health budget is dedicated to prevention and promotion, but GPs say small changes will make big differences.
Further expansion of NIP shingles vaccines GPs can now offer their immunocompromised patients over 18 years old a subsidised shingles vaccine, but the expansion has raised questions about supply.
Help shape the next general practice standards Member feedback will inform the next edition Standards, to help ensure the new indicators are reflective of Australian general practices.
GP jumps into the ‘Deep End’ for Churchill Fellowship A movement in Scotland connecting GPs working in the most deprived communities has inspired Dr Tim Senior to create more networks at home.
Meet Australia’s new Rural Health Commissioner Professor Jenny May will address the RACGP Rural Member Forum next week, sharing her insights and plans for the future of regional healthcare.
In Practice: Consultation on registration and accreditation scheme The RACGP is seeking member feedback on the processes underpinning complaints or notifications about registered health practitioners.
Latest FRACGP exam report released This year’s final Key Feature Problem had a pass rate of almost 68%, highlighting the merit of preparation and readiness to sit the exam.