RACGP setting the example for standards of general practice An international journal has recognised the RACGP’s process of setting professional standards for general practice.
Point-of-care testing vital for rural practices, says GP Point-of-care testing improves care for patients in rural areas, according to a rural GP. Now the RACGP will pilot the Standards for point of care testing in general practices.
Offering trauma-informed care in general practice Establishing trust and offering a collaborative, welcoming service can assist GPs in identifying patients who have experienced trauma, new research has found.
RACGP smoking cessation resources to mark World No Tobacco Day World No Tobacco Day aims to promote awareness of the harms of tobacco smoking and advocate for effective strategies to reduce tobacco consumption. The RACGP has a number of resources to assist healthcare professionals in guiding patients to smoking cessation.
New resource for emergency management of hyperglycaemia The RACGP and Australian Diabetes Society have collaborated to release a new resource designed to assist GPs and practice teams in the assessment and management of hyperglycaemic emergencies.
Genetics and ethics: Do doctors have a duty of care to a patient’s relatives? Dr Chris Hogan writes for newsGP about the ethics of informing a patient’s family members of a heritable disease.
GPs can help patients manage chronic non-cancer pain – with fewer opioids Opioids are no longer a front-line treatment for chronic non-cancer pain.
Having the conversation about end of life While eight out of 10 Australians believe it is important to talk to their family about care wishes in the event they become seriously ill, only one in four have actually had the conversation, a new survey has found.
Let’s talk about inflammatory bowel disease Crohn’s and Colitis Australia is encouraging people to open up about inflammatory bowel disease and leave behind the associated stigma.
Australian general practice research is nearing crisis point It’s a hard time to be a general practice researcher in Australia, GP Dr Liz Sturgiss writes for newsGP.