Pharmacy prescribing trial launches A controversial trial allowing pharmacists to prescribe antibiotics for UTIs has gone ahead amid renewed questions on pharmacy vaccination programs.
No adverse fetal outcomes with prolonged storage of frozen embryos The new research should be very reassuring for women who have IVF babies, according to an Australian expert.
RACGP aged care standards out for second review Following initial consultation last year, the college is seeking further feedback to its standards for aged care. newsGP details key updates.
Vale Emeritus Professor Neil Carson Professor Michael Kidd and Emeritus Professor John Murtagh speak to newsGP and pay tribute to a pioneer of general practice.
Patient charter updated to align with Standards The update helps promote mutual understanding of the roles and responsibilities of patients and GPs while adhering to national healthcare rights.
How to respond to a case of COVID-19 in general practice With a GP among Australia’s most recent cases of coronavirus, a new RACGP fact sheet is designed to guide practices on how to keep staff and patients safe – and ensure the doors stay open.
Professional support over the general practice continuum The RACGP’s new remediation suite provides guidance for managing performance concerns at any stage of a general practice career.
Government told GPs still need COVID-19 support The RACGP has told the Senate Select Committee GPs must receive further assistance and be allowed to provide more input during pandemics.
New research finds link between COVID-19 and lower humidity If COVID-19 is a seasonal illness, is Australia’s easing of social distancing restrictions going into winter a good idea?
COVID-19 research receives $66 million boost The funding injection will target four areas of research in the quest for a vaccine and preparation for future pandemics.