Children at forefront of falling sugar consumption Australia’s reduction in overall sugar consumption is being led by children’s lower intake of added sugars, according to new data released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics.
Mental health encounters on the rise in general practice One out of every eight general practice encounters in 2015–16 was related to an issue of mental health, according to new data released by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare.
Heavy menstrual bleeding: Understanding the options Hayley Harrison served as a consumer advocate for the Australian Commission of Safety and Quality in Health Care on the ‘Heavy menstrual bleeding clinical standard’, bringing her lived experience of the condition to the working group.
RACGP calls for removal of general practitioner from strategic skills list The RACGP has made a submission to the Department of Employment and various health ministers as part of its advocacy efforts for the removal of ‘general practitioner’ from the Medium and Long Term Strategic Skills List.
What does the MBA’s Professional Performance Framework mean for continuing professional development? The Medical Board of Australia (MBA) has announced a new performance framework designed to ensure doctors across the country provide patients with safe and competent care.
80% of Australians have a regular GP: The importance of continuity of care Long considered a core component of general practice, continuity of care is becoming increasingly complex in the world of modern general practice.
Australian GPs delivering quality in the face of high demand General practice remains the most commonly accessed healthcare service in Australia, with new statistics showing more than eight out of 10 people visited a GP in the last 12 months.
Medical students and the issue of suicide Australia’s medical student community is experiencing a suicide problem, the President of the Australian Medical Students Association (AMSA) told newsGP.
New faces on the RACGP Council The 60th RACGP Council was sworn in at last month’s Annual General Meeting held during GP17, with four new members officially assuming their positions.
GPs call for improved mental health funding GPs need to be better remunerated for treating patients experiencing issues of mental health, prominent GP and former President of AMA Victoria Dr Mukesh Haikerwal told newsGP.