Health departments expand coronavirus testing Authorities in some states are now allowing private pathology clinics to collect specimens from suspected cases.
GPs confused by mixed messages in coronavirus response Equipment shortages, limited communication and conflicting advice from public health authorities is making an already difficult job even more challenging.
Coronavirus criteria expand as numbers grow The Australian Government has banned almost all people with a recent history of travel in China from entering the country, as new local cases emerge.
Further calls for government focus on general practice Despite consistent growth since 2011–12, government healthcare expenditure per person has dropped. What does this mean for general practice?
Fears of asymptomatic coronavirus transfer grow Australian health authorities have issued new advice based on reported instances of viral transfer by asymptomatic carriers.
GPs call for clarity amid coronavirus confusion Inconsistent messaging and an overall lack of coordination are hurting efforts to curtail the coronavirus, a prominent GP has said.
PIP payments for those affected by bushfire A number of measures have been implemented to support general practices and other healthcare services directly touched by bushfires.
‘I thought it was just me’: Registrars and impostor syndrome Feeling like a fraud is common for general practice registrars, but the issue is often shrouded in secrecy.
COAG Health Council announces new policy directions The directions are designed to provide clarity on what AHPRA and the National Boards must analyse when considering action against a practitioner.
Junior doctors working unsafe hours to ‘earn their stripes’ New research highlights the need for workplace improvements to help protect junior doctors’ health and wellbeing.