Huge rise in cervical self-collection uptake But Dr Lara Roeske is still urging for stronger public health messages and support to help alleviate the extra onus placed on GPs.
‘Little faith’ in vexatious notifications filter A college submission to the Health Practitioner Ombudsman has suggested a number of improvements for AHPRA’s processes.
‘Disappointing news’: Government pulls Clinical Taskforce funding Formed in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the National Clinical Evidence Taskforce still hopes to attract support for its work.
GPs with double lives: Medico-legal advisers When doctors face the complexities of a medico-legal issue, Dr Sara Bird and Dr Owen Bradfield use their GP credentials to make it digestible.
RACGP 2022 national award winners revealed Nine GPs – and one general practice – have been recognised for their contributions to the community, the profession, and their peers.
Health watchdog receives record number of AHPRA-related complaints Complaints about the regulator have increased by 42% in the past financial year, highlighting the toll its processes have taken on the medical profession.
Massive shortage in projected care workforce flagged Workers required to care for Australia’s most vulnerable may fall short by more than 200,000 people by 2050, a new report has warned.
Widespread concerns flagged about NPS MedicineWise demise Many worry about the impact on the safe use of medicine, while the transfer of skills is another key issue with employees already leaving.
Physician, (do not) heal thyself SPONSORED: MDA National Senior Medical Adviser Dr Julian Walter discusses the limits of self-care and prescribing.
Why GPs are crucial to improving bowel cancer screening rates SPONSORED: Clinicians are being encouraged to talk to patients about bowel screening as part of Cancer Council’s Get2it campaign.