‘It’s just a race against time’: Developing a COVID-19 vaccine Examining the challenges of finding a vaccine, timeframes for development, and the progress of clinical trials around the world.
New coronavirus drug trial commences across Australia The first trial site has opened at the Royal Melbourne Hospital, testing the effectiveness of lopinavir-ritonavir and hydroxychloroquine.
New ‘living’ clinical guidelines to provide up-to-the-minute coronavirus recommendations GPs and other healthcare workers will now have access to a single source of trusted clinical advice at the click of a button.
Many use malaria drug as coronavirus protection – but evidence lacking With the virus pushing health systems to the limit, many doctors are seeking out stocks of hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine.
RACGP updates aged care clinical guidelines The significant expansion includes practice points on elder abuse and caring for marginalised groups, including older LGBTQI people.
OSCE report: Tips for candidates to improve outcomes The RACGP has released its second Objective Structured Clinical Examination report for 2019.
A dignified death: An update on caring@home The national project, designed to assist carers providing palliative care to loved ones in their home, was launched a year ago.
RACGP exam special – OSCE preparation podcast: Part 2 The Good GP covers covers the physical examination in the Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE), diagnosis and management, and resources and supports to assist with preparation.
Using technologies to deliver healthcare services A new RACGP resource helps GPs understand considerations and potential concerns when taking clinical photos on a personal mobile device.
Cultural identification and disease assessment in general practice The RACGP has released two new clinical audits to assist GPs in identification of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander patients.