Surge in worldwide measles deaths More than 140,000 people died from measles in 2018, according to new estimates from the World Health Organization.
Company-sponsored trials tainting medicine: Researchers Experts have called for the health sector to ‘disentangle from commercial interests’ to improve the quality and reliability of research.
Australian GP named in global list of elite researchers Professor Paul Glasziou has been recognised as one of the world’s most cited researchers in 2019.
Saline spray to antibiotics: GPs and prescribing placebos A study showing Australian GPs have used placebos raises questions in areas such as clinical benefits, patient consent, and antimicrobial resistance.
Why do people with intellectual disability have lower life expectancy? An Australian study has delved into the reasons, and found systemic and social barriers to ‘appropriate and effective healthcare’.
Report reveals veterans’ suicide risk Ex-servicemen have the highest suicide rates, and ex-servicewomen are more than twice as likely to take their own life as women who have never served.
Medical research ignoring women: Report Women are being ignored in medical trials and reports, according to a report that calls for more medical research to include gender-specific data.
UK pharmacist prescribers reportedly linked to deaths Inappropriate prescribing and poor advice, underpinned by ‘an assumption of competence which was ill-founded’ are potential causes.
Born and bred in Australia? Melanoma risk up by 50% Researchers have found 22 different genes help shape a person’s risk of melanoma according to their level of sun exposure.
Second WA politician questions GP involvement in assisted dying scheme The MP argued only psychiatrists and geriatricians can determine a patient’s decision-making capacity in relation to voluntary assisted dying.