Tailoring obesity management for specific populations Patient experience outcomes and a PhD led Dr Liz Sturgiss to a funded project aimed at enhancing obesity management for people in low-income groups.
Delirium costing lives and billions of dollars A new study has laid bare the extent of an often overlooked problem that affects some of society’s most vulnerable.
A cure for the common cold? Researchers claim to have found a way to protect against the world’s most common infectious illness.
Research aims to improve ‘neglected’ problems in healthcare A recent NHMRC grant awarded to Professor Paul Glasziou will allow advances in the research of four key healthcare areas.
Heart Foundation report targets meat-free alternatives More than 2.5 million consumers have been advised to avoid highly processed foods containing potentially dangerous amounts of salt.
Australia leads global cancer survival rates – but more can be done An international study shows Australians have the best chance of survival for seven types of cancers.
New project aims to make it easier for GPs to screen for alcohol harms When does alcohol use become an issue? This new project wants to make it easier for GPs to find out.
‘Really complicated’: Lifestyle factors and city–rural health gaps Even meeting the same dietary and physical guidelines, there would still be far more people dying of heart disease in the country than in the city.
Alcohol consumption mostly steady in Australia New ABS figures show a halt in the long-term decline of alcohol consumption and a slight rise in the drinking of harder alcohol.
Sea change: Life as a GP in the Tiwi Islands Dr Justin Coleman recently made a major life change, uprooting from 12 years of city living to move to the remote Tiwi Islands.