Hip fracture outcomes best if guidelines followed: Study High-level clinical care of hip fractures is associated with lower mortality, but experts say delivery of this care and follow-up must be improved.
A fracture every 30 seconds: Bone health laid bare With a 34% jump in cases in recent years, costing Australia billions of dollars, GPs remain at the coalface of this rise in demand for care.
Osteoporosis guidelines updated for first time since 2017 The new guide will ‘make a real difference’ for the more than half of Australians aged over 50 with osteoporosis and osteopenia.
Consider MHT for bones: New menopause guideline Almost a decade in the making, a toolkit refresh is the first to include advice on prescribing hormone therapy specifically for bone health.
Simple swaps key to preventing hip fractures From diet shifts to limiting alcohol, small changes can have an exponential impact on increasing bone density, research has revealed.