

Family violence directory provides a comprehensive data resource

Morgan Liotta

21/12/2018 9:19:48 AM

The Australian Bureau of Statistics has released a first-of-its-kind central directory for family, domestic and sexual violence statistics.

The Directory aims to improve the awareness and utilisation of family, domestic and sexual violence statistics and assist researchers, health professionals and analysts.
The Directory aims to improve the awareness and utilisation of family, domestic and sexual violence statistics and assist researchers, health professionals and analysts.

The Directory of Family, Domestic, and Sexual Violence Statistics (the Directory) is a repository comprising national, state and territory data sources, available for the first time from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS).
The Directory aims to improve the awareness and utilisation of family, domestic and sexual violence statistics. It is designed to assist researchers, health professionals and analysts to better understand the range of statistics available by providing details about each statistical collection.
William Milne, Director of the ABS’ National Centre for Crime and Justice Statistics, said the new Directory (which supersedes the 2013 edition) is a ‘comprehensive’ update.
‘[The Directory] is now expanded to include sources of sexual violence statistics to better meet emerging data needs,’ Mr Milne said.

‘It also contains information about key organisations and agencies that publish family, domestic and sexual violence statistics, including those that publish statistics about support services provided and family and domestic homicide.’
The Directory’s sources include:

  • survey data collected directly from people in the community and administrative by-product data
  • data produced by an agency during provision of services and undertaking of their core business.
National statistical collections from the Directory include the Australian Longitudinal Study on Women’s Health, the Child Protection National Minimum Dataset, the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Survey, and the National Survey on Sexual Harassment in Australian Workplaces.
The Directory contains metadata about each identified source of family, domestic and sexual violence data, providing an overview of the nature and content of the source, the range of data captured by each source, and any existing gaps.
Key objectives of using the Directory include evaluating whether data from a particular source meets their information needs, and if potential frameworks or models for the development of new data collections are needed.

ABS domestic violence family violence sexual violence

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