

New clinical guideline for abortion care released

Jolyon Attwooll

6/11/2023 3:11:15 PM

The guidance has been described as an ‘important step’ towards universal access to safe and high-quality abortion care.

Woman in GP Consult
RANZCOG has said legislative changes gave strong impetus for consistent, evidence-based guidance.

A new clinical guideline developed by the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RANZCOG) has been released.
Targeted at registered health professionals who provide abortion advice and care in both Australia and New Zealand, the document is the first binational guideline on abortion.
RANZCOG President-Elect Dr Gill Gibson chaired the guideline development group and said its release ‘is an important step towards universal access to timely, safe and high-quality abortion care’.
With legislative changes now in place permitting abortion in all jurisdictions under certain circumstances by health professionals, RANZCOG has said there is ‘a strong impetus’ for consistent, evidence-based guidance.
A guideline published by the New Zealand Ministry of Health on Abortion in 2020 was used as its basis.
While not specifically endorsed by the RACGP, the college gave its feedback on the draft clinical guideline earlier this year.
In a response sent to RANZCOG in August, the college said the guideline is detailed and will assist GPs involved in reproductive healthcare.
‘The RACGP supports holistic approaches to reproductive health, which includes improving access to safe medical or surgical abortion services for women, and we commend the RANZCOG on developing this comprehensive guideline,’ the college correspondence states.
‘This guideline will be helpful for GPs who support women in the various aspects of reproductive health.
‘A sound implementation strategy and accompanying support will be key to ensuring the guideline is used in the primary care setting.’ 
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