

Record immunisation rates for Australian children

Amanda Lyons

8/07/2019 12:58:18 PM

New data shows that child vaccination rates have hit record – and world-leading – levels.

National Immunisation Program
Children’s immunisation rates are climbing in Australia, and are close to reaching the national target of 95%. (Image: Stefan Postles)

The latest data from the Australian National Immunisation Register on coverage rates for one-year-old, two-year-old and five-year-old children over the last 10 years shows that, with an average overall coverage rate of 93.36%, Australia is close to reaching its target of 95%.
Immunisation rates have been rising for all three age groups in recent years, with the five-year-old group standing out at 94.78%, its highest recorded figure, up from 94.67% in the December 2018 quarter.
Victoria and Tasmania show particularly high levels of coverage, as do Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander five-year-olds at a rate of 96.66%, well above the national rate.
The data puts Australia ahead on a global scale, well above the global vaccination coverage rate of 85%. Federal Health Minister Greg Hunt believes this proves the value of government investment in vaccination, especially in terms of publicising its value and effectiveness.
‘Immunisation saves lives and protects lives, and it is important that we keep the public informed about its benefits,’ he said.
‘The latest figures show that the vast majority of parents are hearing the message about the benefits of vaccinations and I am delighted that our public health campaigns and our immunisation programs are protecting all Australians.’
National coverage rates as of March 2019:

  • 94.14% for all one-year-olds
  • 91.15% for all two-year-olds
  • 94.78% for all five-year-olds

immunisation National Immunisation Register vaccination

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