

Sharp rise in number of Australians accessing treatment for amphetamine use

Morgan Liotta

20/04/2018 2:17:47 PM

Treatment for amphetamine use has more than doubled in Australia over the last decade, a new report from the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare has found.

The proportion of people seeking treatment for amphetamines in Australia has increased from 11% to 26% over the last decade.
The proportion of people seeking treatment for amphetamines in Australia has increased from 11% to 26% over the last decade.

The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare’s (AIHW) Alcohol and other drug treatment services in Australia 2016–17: Key findings has revealed that more than 127,000 people – one out of every 170 – accessed alcohol and other drug treatments in 2016–17.
The AIHW estimates these people accessed the 836 publicly-funded alcohol and other drug treatment services during this time, with these services providing more than 200,000 treatment episodes overall.
The fastest growing treatment area is for amphetamines (including ice), accounting for 26% of treatment episodes in 2016–17, up from 11% in 2007–08. Treatment for cannabis and heroin followed at 22% and 5%, respectively.
Overall, alcohol remains the most common drug for which people sought treatment, accounting for 32% of treatment episodes.
Two-thirds (66%) of all patients who received treatment were male. The median age of patients remains at 33 years, with 55% of patients aged 20–39 and 33% aged 40 and older.
This age and gender profile has been consistent over the last four years, since patients receiving drug treatment services were first reported and data generated.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people represented around 15% of patients accessing alcohol and other drug treatment services.

AIHW alcohol-and-drug-treatment amphetamine counselling

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