

Dear dad in the park, this is why I’m not ‘just a GP’

Claire Denness

16/10/2020 2:05:11 PM

Dr Claire Denness was shocked when someone recently asked: ‘You’re just a GP, aren’t you?’ Here’s her response.

GPs are not ‘non-specialists’ – they are specialists in primary care.

It was nice to see you. A familiar face from the school playground, someone I’d not seen for three months during Melbourne’s lockdown.
We exchanged our socially distanced niceties while our children played. The sun emerged briefly from the grey sky.
‘So, how’s your work been?’ you asked, before adding, ‘Aren’t you a doctor?’
I nodded and started with my standard response, mentioning ‘very challenging times’ before moving to ‘we are in a much better position than so many other countries’.
But I didn’t get to finish before you interrupted me.
‘You’re just a GP, though, aren’t you?’
I froze.
Had you really said that? Would you have said the same to someone male? To someone older than me? To someone who hadn’t trained overseas?
Yes, I decided, you probably would.
As I began to challenge what you’d said, you interrupted me again to dig the hole deeper.
‘Well, you’re not a brain surgeon, are you?’
The smiles behind our masks faded. I let silence make my point. You were grateful for the intervention of your son who needed help on the swing. Later, you slunk from the park without a word, your children shouting objections behind you.
So, dad in the park, here’s what I really wanted to say. Here’s why we’re not ‘just’ GPs.
It starts well before university
We work hard, and not just at science and maths. We need to be good at other things to stand out from the thousands of other hopefuls. Sports, voluntary work, expeditions, work experience.
We juggle teenage hormones, first relationships and friendships with cramming for exams and interviews. If we get to university, we’re suddenly surrounded by hundreds of other competitive straight-A students just like us.
As we navigate being away from home, often for the first time, we start to realise the reality of the path ahead. We see life – the raw, unedited version. Its gory beginnings, its undignified ends. The loops of pain, fear, grief, and joy that punctuate it along the way.
For some of us, that’s too much and other careers call. For those who finish the long years of medical school, there’s at least another four or five years of hospital shifts. For this, we’ll sacrifice holidays, family dinners, weddings, Christmases, Hanukkahs, Eids, Diwalis.
We’ll sacrifice relationships. We’ll fall asleep in cinemas, during dates, at roadsides driving home from a week of nightshifts. We’ll be haunted by our memories and experiences and wonder ‘what if’ and think ‘by the grace of God...’.
There’ll be songs we can’t listen to without crying. Mine is Wires by Athlete: it played on the radio as I drove home from my first – and unsuccessful – paediatric resuscitation. There’ll be faces and names and places and smells that haunt us. Our sleep will writhe and twist with dreams about things we omitted, things we did wrong. Mine is the accidental double dosing of lithium, prescribed at 3.00 am after seven sleep-deprived night shifts. The patient survived, but the mistake still frequents my dreams.
And then, we’ll be GPs
Not ‘just’ GPs. Not ‘non-specialists.’ Specialists in primary care.
We’ve chosen to be one of the few remaining generalists. Not because we couldn’t be brain surgeons, or gastroenterologists or cardiologists, but because we chose not to be. Because we wanted patients who were awake and could talk to us, because we know that consultation skills are the heart of medicine. Because we want to treat bowel problems and neurological problems and heart problems, and everything else besides.
So, dad in the park, we’ll care for you and your family at every stage of life. We’ll provide contraceptive care. Not just ‘the pill’ – we can insert contraceptive implants and IUDs, too (some of us even do vasectomies).
If the time’s right, we’ll provide you and your partner with advice before conception, as well as first-trimester screening and antenatal care. We’ll carefully check your brand-new babies head to toe. We’ll vaccinate them against meningitis, measles, whooping cough, and more. We’ll treat their nappy rash, eczema, constipation, and ear infections.
We’ll manage risk and uncertainty to weave a safety net around you and yours. We’ll manage your anxiety, your sleep deprivation, your post-natal depression.
As your children hit their teenage years, we’ll manage their sporting injuries, their acne and their period problems, as well as sexually transmissible infections, mental health problems, migraine, asthma, and allergies. Day or night.
And you won’t need to ask for a referral letter, meet referral criteria or get insurance because we are the specialists that deal with all these problems. We’ll advise, educate, listen, and care. Sometimes we’ll prescribe, sometimes we will refer, but we’ll remain at the centre of your care.
We’ll steer you away from unnecessary, harmful, and expensive tests and medications while managing our precious stocks of antibiotics to protect our communities from antibiotic resistance.

Dr Claire Denness was shocked into silence when someone recently asked: ‘You’re just a GP, aren’t you?’

As the spine running through our healthcare system, GPs are dynamic and flexible. We respond to public health crises. We have adapted to work through pandemics, bushfires, and floods.
When other facilities close, or become telehealth-only, we’ll still be there. We can still see you face-to-face, through our face masks and misted face shields. We’ll test you for COVID and, if you have it, we’ll work with other specialists to assess your risk and manage you accordingly. And we’ll treat all your other illnesses and needs during COVID. We’ll still listen to your chest, check your ears, palpate your abdomen.
And as your body begins to fray as you age, we’ll treat your hypertension, arthritis, diabetes, atrial fibrillation, high cholesterol, and kidney disease. We’ll bring in a team of allied health professionals around you. We’ll work with you to manage your conditions as if it’s a meeting of specialists. You, the expert in your own day to day illnesses, and we, who specialise in managing it.
Our early preventive work may well save you from strokes, heart attacks, diabetic complications, influenza, shingles, pneumonia and more. We’ll help screen you and your family for cervical, breast and bowel cancer. We’ll do your skin cancer checks and remove suspect moles, lumps, and bumps. We’ll help you lose weight, stop smoking and reduce your use of alcohol and other substances.
If life takes some tough turns, we’ll still see you, regardless of your income or insurance. We’ll still treat you with respect and dignity if you’re homeless, depressed, substance-dependent or live with schizophrenia. We’ll listen without judgement, counsel and help you make safer choices. We’ll prescribe and manage your clozapine, buprenorphine, methadone, antivirals for hepatitis or PREP for HIV.
And as you enter the autumn of your life, we’ll still care for you. When your hair is white, your eyes milky blue from cataracts and your skin translucent and peppered with the blemishes of age, we’ll listen to what care you want and what you don’t.
If other specialists say you’re now too frail or too confused or too complex to come to their clinic, we’ll still treat you. We’ll help you with your dementia and your falls and your incontinence. We’ll handle your comorbidities and multiple medications and spot drug interactions and side effects. We’ll plan your end-of-life care and, when that time comes, we’ll care for you at home, if that’s what you want.
And we will care. Not in a commodified or profit-driven way but because we know you, your values, your family, and there was always something we liked about you – because there is in all our patients – even though you dismissed what we do.
When it’s over, we’ll embrace your wife and children, and we’ll sit and listen as they press tissues to their eyes. And one day we may care for your grandchildren, too, remarking on how alike they are to you.
And as we get older, we’ll pass on our specialist skills and knowledge and attitudes onto medical students and registrars. We’ll teach them to be proud of being specialists in general practice. We’ll help them to practise justly, and to provide care to everyone regardless of age, ethnicity, sexuality, gender, education, or income.
And we’ll teach them they are not, and never will be, ‘just’ GPs.
The mum in the park who’s very proud to be a GP

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Dr Hercules Morkel Duvel   17/10/2020 7:23:46 AM

Hi Claire
I'm sorry to hear someone was so disrespectful to you.
My suspicion is it stems from the "general" impression of the public of GP's. They are under the impression they can tell a GP what they want and for whatever reason, they are given what they want, for example: " I have a cough and all I want is antibiotic" or "Hey doc, a quick one - all I need is a medical certificate" or " all I need is a referral to a specialist". I mean, would they tell a surgeon what to do? Things like this undermine GP's and our status as real specialists in our field. I realise this is "generalising" (yes this happens, unfortunately)
Not a gender thing in my opinion.
Fortunately the vast majority of GPs are true specialists, like you are!
Don't feel insulted, the guy in the park is probably "just a lawyer or just an engineer or just a teacher, or just a tradie or just an ********. "
We are all just something, but we as GP's are specialists, no matter what the guy in the park says.

Dr Geoffrey Scott Davidson   17/10/2020 7:46:09 AM

Hello Claire,A very special letter which brought me to tears ......and after we have done all that, we live our lives and go SAILING with Rod Stewart,

Dr Jenny Elizabeth Dowler   17/10/2020 7:47:28 AM

Beautifully written. Well said Claire!

Dr Lucas Anthony McLindon   17/10/2020 7:50:44 AM

Hi Claire, Yes, it can be infuriating. But I don't see it as a negative. I see the 'just' as a true term of endearment - GP's are at the centre of everybody's life, they are the 'go to', the familiar face of health care, the open door, the welcome so often needed in today's world. Saw a patient yesterday who kept talking about Phil - her GP, and then realised - sorry I mean Dr X! This is a familiarity you justly deserve and deserve to enjoy.

I was a GP for 10 years and then narrowed my care skillset to O&G and now Gynae (subspecialty) only - I realised that I could not keep up with the broad skillset required of today's GP and decided to focus on an area of need in the Gynae world. I miss my GP days, the real connection with patients - I still can't go under 45 mins for a new patient - makes funding a speciality practice hard - but I can't shake the understanding that a GP comes to medicine with - everything is 'just' connected ... and there is 'just' one speciality that gets that!

Dr Irandani Anandi Ranasinghe-Markus   17/10/2020 7:57:43 AM

Beautifully said Claire! May I add that we are as much to blame? The number of times I have heard a colleague respond to the question ‘what do you do’ with ‘I’m just a GP’ have been numerous. Each time, I make a point of asking ‘what do you mean by that?’. We as a profession should respect ourselves for what we do for a start and this will slowly but surely transfer on to the community at large who for the most part greatly value our contribution to the health of the nation.

Dr Olumayokun Oluwole Oluyede   17/10/2020 8:03:24 AM

Thanks Claire.
Am I allowed to hang a framed copy of this letter in my rooms?

Dr Yok-Yin Lee   17/10/2020 8:31:31 AM

I am dual trained in general practice and palliative medicine (so by this dad in the park definition, I’m a ‘real specialist’). I’m fortunate enough to be able to work in both areas because some of my palliative care colleagues had given up GP because it gets too much (ie. 2 sets of college fees and 2 sets of CPD). Yet, I still get asked, “why don’t you do a specialty” or worse still “you are just a GP who works in palliative care right?” (the latter statement has been said a few times by some of my GP colleagues as well so I don’t blame the rest of the population really for having the perception that we are just GPs). I support the statement, we are in GP because we choose to be here, not because we cannot do other things (including non-medical fields).

Dr Nicholas A. Cooper   17/10/2020 8:34:13 AM

Hi Claire
Couldn't have put it better myself. As a female GP you can add the struggles of raising a young family to all of the above. Respect!

Dr Samantha Ann Bryant   17/10/2020 8:54:16 AM

Thank you !!!!

Dr Maria Renee Boulton   17/10/2020 8:54:56 AM

Beautifully said.

Dr Shanthini Seelan   17/10/2020 8:56:35 AM

Hi Claire
You are a GP after my own heart !General Practice is a vocation - only the enlightened are fortunate enough to be in this profession . Job satisfaction guaranteed if you are the right fit .Ditto the framed copy request

Dr Gerard Phillip Connors   17/10/2020 9:00:06 AM

Beautifully put

Dr William Rushton Walker   17/10/2020 9:15:41 AM

So beautifully written Claire, it summarises everything we GPs do . I suggest this is presented to all medical students in their final year to help guide them to a career in general practice.

Dr Richard James Goodwin   17/10/2020 9:26:08 AM

Perfectly said and beautifully written. I found some of your imagery particularly powerful, like the "...translucent skin peppered with the blemishes of age...". Have you thought about becoming "just an author" in your spare time? Oh, wait...GPs don't have any spare time, do we? We're too busy working long hours, checking results, ringing patients, visiting nursing homes, writing reports, reading medical journals, training registrars, running businesses, and generally trying to improve and save the lives of our patients, whilst trying to weave all these things around our own personal and family lives. There will always be those who don't understand or value what GPs do. But fortunately, most are grateful, appreciative and respectful.

Dr David James Maconochie   17/10/2020 9:31:41 AM

You are not alone. It is not a male-female thing (at least not entirely). It has a lot to do with the way we allow the government to continue to degrade the profession with poor remuneration and swamping the market with overseas-trained doctors (I am one of them).

Despite being mature, grey-haired, dressing in suit and tie, and speaking with an intelligent choice of words, I experience daily a casual disregard for my intelligence from punters, typically in the 25-something age bracket, both male and female who have determined in advance that they want their serum rhubarb measuring "because I like to keep an eye on it".

However in the instance of the man in the park, he was using the societal general disapprobation of GPs as a means to bolster his ego and to put you down. Two separate entities, and his problem. It is too bad that most of us are unable to come up with a retaliatory reply quickly enough, and in any case would be inhibited by professional courtesy from doing so.

Dr Daniel Thomas Byrne   17/10/2020 9:46:24 AM

Well done Claire. I can guarantee your patients think you’re the best. You’ve described perfectly long term continuity of care. I’ve only recently added “Specialist in general practice” to my job title after 30 years when describing my job. Not sure if that’s a good thing or not?

Dr Fiona Jane Henneuse-Blunt   17/10/2020 10:20:33 AM

Beautifully and eloquently put Claire. Like you I have had moments of being "triggered" by a song or a movie and my husband wonders why I am suddenly crying.
I couldn't descrbe our vocation better.
I do like the idea of using Specialist before GP as that is an accurate description of our training and expertise.
Maybe you should post this to Scott Morrison.

DrSherrie Chew   17/10/2020 10:35:27 AM

Thank you Claire for such a genuine and heart- felt letter. You’ve put it in words all the emotions that a GP feels about their patients and their work.

The reasons to be a GP sometimes get blurred out when you see articles attacking the profession- if not from patients, other ‘medical specialists’, from Medicare or statistics about our earnings... your negativity builds but you know when you sit in your room and start your day with all the names that you have become so familiar with- patients benefitted from our work as GPs, we are truly specialists that gives and gives and we mean so much to them and their families that you put a smile on their faces when they speak highly about ‘their’ GP .

Thank you for your voice for all of us- ‘just GPs’!

Dr Gardiyawasam Lindamulage Chaminda De Silva   17/10/2020 10:37:06 AM

Hi Clare
Well said .But when you look back .the fault is with us , We let everybody to manipulate us .decide Medicare rebates by some people even not gone to medical school or does not know what GPS do. For these people we are the slaves of their health but one thing they don't know is that we are the pillars of their health .Let them dance till they realise this but It is time to unite for this injustice

Dr Philip Neville Perlstein   17/10/2020 10:39:58 AM

Congratulations Claire on an amazing article. For the last 44 years I've been trying to think of the correct response to the "you're just a GP comment". I'm so pleased to have been able to read this article and will link it to my website for my General Practice as well as encouraging all medical students to read it. Many thanks again for your outstanding contribution.

Dr Muhammad Shihab Rahman   17/10/2020 10:44:21 AM

It's time we rebrand ourselves as Family Physician to alleviate public misconception. I get that's one of the agendas of RACGP President-elect. Let's all get behind this to uphold the dignity of our profession.

Dr Anthony Tragarz   17/10/2020 10:46:40 AM

You're just too sweet for this kind of blockhead.

Dr Alifa Nasrin Khan   17/10/2020 10:56:36 AM

Well written, Dr Claire. Best wishes and love for all the hard working female Gps ..

Dr Mo Nasir   17/10/2020 11:05:45 AM

You knows best the context, but the Dad might also be all respectful and “just a GP” GPs to reflect that maybe we might not be the the busiest specialists out there. But by all means, I shared that the “just” was unintelligible. But hey, he is just a (use anything here). When any patient has not just (use any complaints here), here comes “my doctor” to help.
If he didn’t say sorry after realizing he used the wrong word, he could be intentional and speculative but we always move on..

Dr Christine Linnette Troy   17/10/2020 11:49:23 AM

Thanks Claire. Beautifully written. It brought me to tears.

Prof John Edward Murtagh, AO   17/10/2020 12:41:17 PM

Dear Claire
Your outline/tribute is outstanding-very proud of you. You are a marvellous ambassador for our discipline

Dr Roger Morris   17/10/2020 12:55:28 PM

The problem lies in continuing to lazily refer to ourselves as "General Practitioners". What's in a name? Well a lot actually. A name is a descriptor. Apart from when I'm tired and can't be bothered, I'll identify as a "GP". But in general, I feel the descriptor "Primary Care Physician" is a more accurate refection of my unique skill base and experience.

Dr Edward Herman   17/10/2020 1:14:29 PM

Claire you are amazing! You are the 0.002 % of the smartest minds in Australia. Stand tall be proud. I wouldn’t swap your preferred generalist speciality for anything else you could have chosen. Scream
from the top of the world, I am a GP!

Dr Peter Thomas Ryder   17/10/2020 1:15:30 PM

Wonderful piece of writing Claire; heartfelt thanks for sharing it with us all. It is good to remember we should be proud of what we do, and remind and support each other re this- which is what you have done, beautifully

A.Prof Christopher David Hogan   17/10/2020 1:46:13 PM

Well, the last time I heard " just a.." I decided it was time to engage.
I could not make up my mind between an educational approach or a full on frontal assault. So I took a breath, remembered my negotiation skills & engaged
"Do you know what we actually do?"
It turns out that he did NOT know what we do.
It was quite an experience for me & for him. All he saw was someone who was polite, approachable & available and who wrote scripts, certificates & letters.
He saw the velvet glove but not the iron fist it covered.
"Why don't you people tell us what you do?"
Why not indeed?

Dr Michael Charles Rice   17/10/2020 5:14:11 PM

Yeah, mate, sometimes I think I'd like to be #justaspecialist and only get asked to solve one problem at a time, I reckon it would be straightforward but might get a bit boring.

You're right, though, neurosurgery would be a challenge, but, there's just not enough work. I mean, like, EVERY year 88 out of 100 Aussies need a GP but how many need brain surgery? We'd all starve if we were all brain surgeons. I'd rather be more actual use.

Dr Angela Rose Travis   17/10/2020 5:38:59 PM

Beautifully written! Makes me so proud to be a GP! Thank you!

Dr Elysia Thornton-Benko   17/10/2020 8:23:10 PM

Well said Claire!
Profound words.
Thank you for sharing.

Dr Amila Prabhath Munasinghe   17/10/2020 9:27:41 PM

Beautifully written Claire. I think most of us have had such experiences more than once. There are lots of us GP's who have left other Specialities (after qualifying) to become "just a GP" cause we love it, not to forget some GP's have further qualifications in a Sub Speciality. Perhaps this makes some of us Super Specialists.
It is high time for campaign to educate the public on the massive contribution to health from the GP's. Honestly we are being undervalued and overlooked even by some of our other Specialist colleagues and the government.
We need to have a platform established through college where we can exchange our views and come up with ideas to help the college to lobby them to rebrand ourselves.

Dr Jacqueline Yeoh   18/10/2020 1:34:33 AM

Oh what a beautiful piece of writing - there's nothing "just" about being a GP, I'm working as a GP liaison officer for several large hospitals and understanding more and more how vital our role as the centre of our patients' care is. We are the doctor who knows them best, the one who understands how they fit into their worlds, the things that matter to them and we are close to them in a way that our non-GP specialist colleagues never quite understand (no disrespect to them, as they have their place too - but being a GP specialist is the BEST!!!)

Dr Antony Bolton   18/10/2020 3:16:24 AM

You should consider publishing this somewhere that dad in the park might read it!

Dr Claire Elizabeth Denness   18/10/2020 8:13:10 AM

Thank you to everyone who has read my article and taken the time to comment. I am really moved by the comments. To those of you who would like to (gulp) frame the piece, or have a link to it on their website-that would be an absolute honour. I feel very privileged to work in our profession and I hope this piece goes a little way towards reminding ourselves, our colleagues in other specialties, our patients and the powers-that-be what a wonderful job we do-every day.

Dr Thomas Anthony Shashian   18/10/2020 11:23:58 AM

That was a very beautifully written piece and very thoughtful and appropriate.

Thank you

Dr Thomas Anthony Shashian   18/10/2020 11:27:48 AM

I have just one thing to add to my positive response above. When are we going to realise that the term GP or General Practitioner belongs to the past and we need to adopt a new term/label/identity that properly represents the modern GP with their own specialty training backgrounds and fellowship under their belt. I don’t care what the consensus is as to what that term/title/label is moving forward but make the change!

Dr Tahera Adamjee   18/10/2020 2:22:27 PM

Such a beautifully written heartfelt message.
Can so relate to smells and music triggering a memory of past experiences, exams, clinical rotations etc.
I agree this should be shared with medical students, and with the broader community.
Am planning to frame this in our clinic😊
Tahera Adamjee
Mt Evelyn

Dr Aly Khanbhai   18/10/2020 3:49:37 PM

Excellent article. Hits the nail right on the head in so many ways. All junior doctors should read this before embarking on a specialty of their choice (including our specialty of General Practice).

Sam   18/10/2020 6:49:21 PM

Great letter. I agree with it 100%
Is or will it be published anywhere else though?
I don't see the point in publishing something like this in newsGP.
Surely anyone reading on here will already agree.

Dr John Paul Kennedy   18/10/2020 8:28:50 PM

I bookmarked your wonderful article.
We are in a profession where we meet between 20 and 40 people per day.
It is easy to remember the ones who were nasty and forget the kind ones.
Many people who are unsatisfied with themselves like to play psychological games to make other people feel bad about themselves.
The modern buzz word is that these people are "toxic".
When somebody tries to play these mind games, they are attempting to manipulate you in order to inflate their own ego.
Recognise these toxic people for what they are, be grateful that you have to spend limited time with them and get paid for it, deny them any rental space in your head and know your own value.
They will carry on through life rubbing their contempt and regret-addled pheromones off on the people who are burdened with the task of trying to be close to them and you will continue on being more useful to society than such people will ever be.
Cultivate a garden of serenity in your mind. No entry for such people.

Dr Michele Gisele Brooke-Davey   18/10/2020 9:15:42 PM

Well said Claire. This letter should be published for more to see. As a GP I say Thank you !

Dr Fiona Maclean Pringle   19/10/2020 2:22:51 PM

Well put.
I have been dislocated from my usual practice location by COVID and have been working at a local ED. My GP head keeps wondering what has happened to patients that have been admitted, with whom I have no more contact. It struck me it illustrates our unique position, how valuable and important is the continuity of care we provide. It gives me a sense of worth & I know it is crucial to the sense of guidance and security it provides my patients. Fragmentation of care is costly, ineffective and has a potential to go horribly wrong.
In recent times we have become the poor cousins of the medical profession, with poor relative remuneration; and that in turn feeds misperceptions about the complexity of our knowledge and expertise. Maybe it is time to change our name to reflect that complexity and our "prime" importance in the health system. "Primary Physician"- just a suggestion.

Dr Simple Arora   24/10/2020 8:55:16 AM

Beautifully written Claire . You got me tears in my eyes . Thank you for actually bringing consciousness to all GP’s and to the whole world especially in these tough times . Thank you so much!

Dr Ravishankar Tiwari   24/10/2020 9:38:22 PM

Well said Dr Claire.
I am proud to be a part of this fraternity.
This letter should be published in news papers and all possible electronic media.

Dr William Raymond McNeil OAM   31/10/2020 6:42:32 AM

“ Never argue with a fool- they’ll bring you down to their level and beat you with experience “ . He was “only “ a stay at home dad anyway. ..

Dr Jolanta Kazimiera Benson   31/10/2020 11:38:34 AM

Hi Claire, It’s the most beautiful letter I’ve ever read. It brought me to tears. I worked as a specialist haematologist for 15 years and a few months ago decided to retrain as a general practitioner. From where I stand, I see being a GP as much more challenging but also more interesting. It is a unique specialty which provides for a patient and their family holistic medical care. I love my current job and am very proud of being a GP.

Dr Saba Movassaghi   31/10/2020 12:03:49 PM

indeed,Very nice and accurate response to the regular comment We have heard in not just clinics but in the community.
I am very disappointed when I see people divide doctors to GP and specialist!it has been believed by many people that We have not had enough knowledge to become specialist;however We are specialist in primary care with even having more struggles to manage all types of medical disorders by gaining less respect that should have got from our community.
I am sure the name of GP and generalist is the best word for us but I believe we need to try working on equality of general practice to other speciality by considering something such as :
-Family Medicine specialist
-Primary care Specialist

to change this absolute disrespectful comments that We get regularly.

my point of view is We need to work on the name of GP as well to inform people from begining that We are specialist doctors without any more details to explain to them!

Dr Gursel Alpay   31/10/2020 3:03:07 PM

Thank you Claire for this beautiful piece of writing. It made me very emotional to read.😊👍

Dr Lona Brown   31/10/2020 11:39:56 PM

Claire thank you for writing this. It is such an eloquent, beautiful summary of what we do. I had a busy work day today and addressed multiple issues with regular and new patients, and it was definitely full of variety. Reading this made my heart swell with pride for what we do and made me teary. Thank you!