GPs are not ‘self-serving’ – we are desperate
The issues around attracting doctors to general practice are long-term, complex and need to be carefully managed. The last thing we need is yet another attack on GPs, writes Dr Karen Price.
A number of GPs have reported experiencing burnout during the pandemic, leading some to take time off work.
The pandemic has been tough on everyone.
Trust me, as a specialty that conducts more consultations related to mental health than any other ailment, GPs know how badly many people have been affected by this once-in-a-lifetime event.
To suggest otherwise or to infer that we are so blinded by self-interest that we are willing to disregard these deeply personal interactions to simply further our own agenda is disingenuous in the extreme and, I’m sure to many, incredibly offensive.
Actions speak louder than words, and for the past two years and nearly three months GPs have outperformed all expectations.
We have put ourselves on the line by continuing to show up to work and treat patients face-to-face, despite the personal risk and the potential impact on our loved ones.
We have done this with full knowledge that in many cases the PPE we have at our disposal, which we have paid for out of our own pockets, is of a lesser standard than even the hospital administration staff down the road enjoy free of charge.
Not only that, we have volunteered to provide help in disaster zones, staring down fire, battling through floods and helping those in need, both in the moment and also after the cameras and emergency crews have left.
So, to see one of our own – a young, female medical student no less – publicly berated and accused of being selfish and out of touch with everyday Australians hurt.
We are already in serious danger of running out of general practitioners and continued insults like those delivered earlier this week do nothing to help the profession, nor the government.
In response, I would like to make our position crystal clear – GPs are not looking for a handout. We are not looking to benefit at the expense of others who are also suffering from the consequences of the pandemic.
We are looking for genuine and constructive engagement from our elected officials, who have a social contract with the Australian people, to care for them as best as they can.
We want our politicians to have a full understanding of the very complex issues at hand so that we can work together on possible solutions.
A person’s postcode should not dictate whether or not they can receive adequate healthcare, nor should their skin colour or how much savings they have in their bank account.
That is why we have Medicare, and why so many GPs have decided to take on a role that, while incredibly rewarding on a personal level, is perceived to be not as ‘prestigious’ and definitely not as well remunerated as other medical specialties.
Speaking personally, general practice is a fantastic profession, filled with incredible people and we are so proud of it.
But a healthcare system propped up by sacrifice and goodwill is not sustainable.
Don’t take my word for it – all you need to do is look at the dwindling numbers of medical graduates choosing this amazing area of medicine as their chosen specialty.
Look at the number of GPs who are experiencing burnout, who have already had to take time away from the job they love and patients they care for, simply to survive.
The evidence is there for all to see and has been presented time and again, not just by the RACGP, but also by the AMA, ACRRM, the corporate medical centres, the PHNs, practice nurses, and the Consumer Health Forum of Australia.
It is the same message – general practice needs reform and it needs investment.
We are the bedrock of healthcare, diagnosing nearly all conditions, participating in ongoing management, and coordinating care among a byzantine system characterised by complexity and limited resources.
For us to continue helping people, including those most marginalised in society, by keeping them well and stopping them from costly and traumatic trips to the hospital, that needs to be acknowledged and supported by those in a position to enact change.
The bottom line is that if we can’t attract more people to general practice, it is not just GPs who will be affected, it is the entire healthcare system. It’s everyone.
Patients will suffer, healthcare costs will continue to spiral, and politicians will have to explain to their constituents why they are worse off despite all the advancements modern medicine continues to make.
Advocating more support for GPs is not about self-interest. It’s about returning healthcare to the people.
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