

Doctors establish ‘parallel health system’ for those fleeing Gaza

Michelle Wisbey

29/05/2024 4:09:02 PM

A network of 500 medical professionals has rallied to rollout free healthcare to refugees unable to access Medicare, creating lifesaving change.

Boy sitting on pile of rubble.
A team of around 500 healthcare professionals is now providing free care to Gazans on temporary visas. (Image: AAP)

‘They don’t have any possessions, they were coming with just the clothes they were wearing, they had no money, no access to documentation.’
For the thousands of Gazans arriving on Australia’s shores, fleeing war-torn homes, this is their reality.
Many have been granted temporary tourist visas to live in Australia, but as they work to rebuild their lives in an unknown country, it is their healthcare which can often take a backseat.
This visa type does not include access to Medicare, and with limited funds, accessing medical help is often simply impossible.
Seeing the situation unfold in real time, Melbourne-based GP Dr Sameera Bhayat knew she needed to help.
She is now part of a team of more than 500 healthcare professionals from across Australia rallying together to offer free medical care to those who would otherwise go without.
‘They had, understandably, endured a lot of traumas and didn’t have access to healthcare in their own area, and we were very concerned that they were arriving to Australia and wouldn’t be able to access healthcare here either,’ Dr Bhayat told newsGP.
‘They came here with both acute and chronic healthcare needs, and there were both physical and mental health concerns.
‘When they first came, they were so overwhelmed by the trauma, and they were scared to speak about what they endured that they initially weren’t reaching out for mental health support, and a lot of the initial healthcare needs were more medical.’
An initiative of the Australian Islamic Medical Association (AIMA), this team consists of GPs, surgeons, allied health professionals, optometrists, ophthalmologists, dentists, nurses, and translators.
Every one of them, giving up their time to help those who have almost nothing, and have fled from the most horrific of environments.
‘We had a lot of support from ophthalmologists because of the phosphorus eye burns that some of them had endured,’ Dr Bhayat said.
‘There were physical traumas, fractures that needed to be addressed, people needing care with dialysis, chronic health needs like diabetes, cardiovascular disease, or hypertension.
‘There were children coming in with severe mental health trauma that needed to be addressed.’
The program began late last year when images of the conflict began to appear in Australia.
Watching it unfold, the AIMA members knew they wanted to offer any help they could, and in a matter of weeks, a network of volunteers was formed.
Within it, a small team determined what needed to be done, then a QR code was distributed, allowing healthcare professionals to document their ability to provide the pro bono services.
At the same time, they made a map of where signed-up GPs could be accessed, GPs who spoke other languages identified, and created a series of information sheets.
Within just two weeks, that basic infrastructure was established, allowing people to access care immediately.
‘I had been watching the devastation for the past six weeks just feeling absolutely helpless, and when this opportunity came up and I heard they needed volunteers to assist in coordinating healthcare needs, it was something I didn’t pause to think about,’ Dr Bhayat said.
‘We made videos in both English and Arabic explaining how to access healthcare services, we put up fact sheets and very clearly documented the information because they weren’t familiar with the way healthcare is delivered in Australia.
‘We had a very small timeframe and worked very urgently and efficiently to set up, what we perceive as, a parallel health system because there was no access to primary healthcare or other health services at the time when they arrived.’
Around six months since its creation, hundreds of Gazans have been treated, receiving potentially lifesaving care at no cost.
But the organisation is now calling for urgent Federal Government help, with more Gazans expected to arrive in Australia this year.
Between October last year and February, the Australian Government has already granted 2273 temporary visas for Palestinians and 2415 for Israelis.
Moving forward, many AIMA volunteers want to see the Commonwealth granting this community urgent Medicare access under their visa, to make healthcare a viable option for all.
And while Dr Bhayat has been left saddened by the level of need, she said to be able to give back to those with nothing has been an unforgettable experience.
‘There are a lot of emotions in seeing what’s happening,’ she said.
‘[I’ve been] feeling really helpless but also very grateful for the opportunity to be involved, and very grateful for the incredible volunteers that are able to sacrifice their time and give such incredible care.’
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Dr Belal Haniffa   30/05/2024 6:44:01 AM

It would be too much to expect the college to have the courage to mention that Israel is responsible for the attacks forcing the displacement of these people, the majority of whom were already refugees in Gaza

Dr Mariusz Rybak   30/05/2024 11:20:10 AM

I would it be too much for one learn full and un bias history ( ie all the way since Roman times) of the Arab and Israeli conflict ?? Let’s not bring politics to medicine and concentrate on treating every patient as per Hippocrates’ oaths we swore.

Dr Adam Christopher Louws   30/05/2024 12:05:47 PM

And no need to mention the terrorist attacks that made such a ground invasion necessary, is there?

Dr Abbas Doustmohammadi   30/05/2024 2:38:21 PM

As a member of RACGP, I am disappointed and embarrassed by the college's silence on the genocide, opting for "non-political" statements instead. What does this say about our ethical and moral values as an institution? How can RACGP teach us about equitable access to healthcare when it remains complacent about the murder of over 500 healthcare professionals in Gaza? I urge the RACGP to issue a statement condemning the genocide and affirming that the killing of more than 500 healthcare workers in Gaza is unacceptable.

Dr Larry Light   31/05/2024 9:14:37 AM

Dr Doustmohammadi the word genocide is at the very least contested in Gaza as is the "murder of over 500 healthcare professionals".

Dr Haniffa there are many who would suggest that Hamas is responsible for the attacks forcing the displacement of Gazans after their invasion of Israel on October 7.

If our College puts out political statements on every conflict it will need a full time Political department to cover Lebanon, Egypt, Syria, Nigeria, Sudan, China, Russia, Iran etc etc. I would argue against it.

SN   31/05/2024 9:46:35 AM

As bad as things are, that conflict will never ever end. But that's besides the point.
I don't understand why some of the doctors commenting expect a political statement from a medical board. If you expect RACGP to call out the "genocide", then they have to address the Oct 7th events and that won't be allowed, if you know what I mean.

PS   1/06/2024 1:16:11 AM

Appreciate what our doctors do to help the refugees. However, guys, stop using medical platforms for political agendas. Both sides have definitely done wrong and the THE ENTIRE WORLD IS SICK OF YOU PRETENDING THE OTHER ONE STARTED IT. ADMIT EACH OTHERS SIGHT TO LIVE PEACEFULLY AND COME TO A SETTLEMENT NOW. We are sick of the suffering you have caused to both sides and host of innocent people.

Dr Amireh Fakhouri   2/06/2024 2:09:33 PM

Thank you Dr Bahyat for the insightful read. I note the comments above by our colleagues, and I think they've completely missed the point. Innocent lives have been lost, and as doctors who have taken a Hippocratic oath, we need to call out loss life because, not doing so clearly suggests our moral and ethical compass has lost its way (as seems by the comments above).

As of 30th May 2024 according to the WHO report -

Multiple United Nations healthcare missions impeded impact our own Australian doctors colleague who have gone there

- 128 healthcare workers remain detained or arrested (OUR colleagues)
- 464 attacks have been made against health facilities.
39% of hospitals remain partially functioning, with a bed occupant of 439%
- 40% of primary healthcare facilities are are functional
- 113 Ambulance damaged

- 480 health attacks
- 54 health facilities affected
- 319 ambulances affected

Dr Kate Frances Douglas   3/06/2024 6:03:27 PM

I'm so impressed by the efforts of many doctors who have created the infrastructure for care for the Palestinians here in Australia. I have volunteered to provide care myself but I found it interesting during the online meetings that there were seemingly so few doctors of non-Arabic background offering to help (if I am to superficially make assumptions based on names) compared to say the conflict in the Ukraine where there was seemingly universal support and statements made by medical bodies unlike now.
It also saddened me during these meetings that the organisers communicated that no Palestinians at that time had taken up the offer of psychological supports here in Australia as they were so accustomed to trauma and oppression already...