Law Council flags Voice factsheet to RACGP members
Material from the legal profession’s peak body is designed to help people make an informed decision in the upcoming referendum.
The Law Council of Australia has asked the college to draw attention to its factsheets on The Voice, which it says will inform decision-making for next month’s referendum.
A letter to RACGP CEO Paul Wappett states how the legal profession’s peak body aims for the material to help voters reach an informed decision.
Mr Wappett, who is a lawyer by profession, said he hopes the information will be useful in the run-up to the referendum, which has now been confirmed for 14 October.
‘We have a responsibility to inform members about things that are happening, such as The Voice referendum, that might impact the patients they treat and the communities they serve,’ he told newsGP.
‘The Law Council factsheets are just right for that purpose. For such a complex subject matter, they are clear and concise as well as being tonally appropriate.’
The Law Council has publicly backed constitutional recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
‘The Law Council has long supported a constitutionally enshrined Voice as a necessary and overdue recognition of First Nations peoples in the Australian Constitution,’ its President Luke Murphy has previously said.
‘The Law Council considers the amendment is constitutionally orthodox, just and legally sound.’
The factsheets include background on the process to amend the Constitution, the reasons for the Law Council’s support of The Voice, an explanation of the proposed amendment, and answers to some frequently asked questions.
The RACGP is among a number of health organisations to declare support for a Yes vote in The Voice to Parliament referendum.
The Law Council of Australia factsheets are available on the organisation’s website.
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