Report on Government Services reveals need to shift from EDs to general practice
The Federal Government’s Productivity Commission this week released its 2018 Report on Government Services, which details the performance of health services and provides a snapshot of Australian general practice.
RACGP President Dr Bastian Seidel believes the hospital system should be encouraged to refer patients back to their GP, where appropriate.
The 2018 Report on Government Services (the Report) reveals that although general practice consultations are on the rise, with an 8.6% growth during the 2016–17 period, potentially avoidable GP-type presentations at hospital emergency departments are high, with 2.8 million presentations during the same period.
‘I was not at all surprised by the finding that many Australian patients are choosing to go to the emergency department with conditions which could be treated by their GP,’ RACGP President Dr Bastian Seidel told newsGP.
Dr Seidel recognises that patients may go to the emergency department for a number of reasons, including that they may think it is more convenient or affordable. However, he believes that the hospital system should be encouraged to refer patients back to their GP, where appropriate.
‘They can have an X-ray, their bloods taken and access medication, all while they are at the hospital,’ he said. ‘But if patients presenting at an emergency department are assessed immediately then referred back to their GP, they will receive better care for a far smaller cost to the taxpayer.
‘On average, a single presentation to the emergency department costs at least $250 for the taxpayer. I could see five patients for that amount.’
The Report reveals some issues that could be contributing to avoidable presentations to emergency departments, including cost barriers and accessing GPs in certain areas.
Nationally in 2016–17, 4.1% of the Australian population reported that they delayed or did not visit a GP in the previous 12 months due to cost, and 7.3% reported they had delayed or did not purchase prescribed medicines in the previous 12 months due to cost. The average number of general practice visits per person each year increased again to 6.5, up from 6.4 in 2015–16 and 5.9 in 2011–12.
The Report also presents details of increased government expenditure, with the total expenditure on healthcare services in Australia estimated to be $170.4 billion in 2015–16, up from $161.6 billion in 2014–15. The Federal Government’s total expenditure on general practice in 2016–17 was $9.1 billion ($371 per person), an increase from $8.7 billion ($365 per person) in 2015–16.
The RACGP proposes that patient education, health literacy and ensuring Medicare adequately supports patient access to care, are part of the solution to reducing hospital emergency department presentations, both for acute and chronic issues over the long term.
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