Federal Government agrees to toughen privacy provisions in My Health Record legislation
Federal Health Minister Greg Hunt has heeded the RACGP’s advice.
RACGP President-elect Dr Harry Nespolon spoke with Greg Hunt earlier this week regarding his concerns with the My Health Record legislation.
In light of considerable concerns among healthcare professionals and the public regarding the increased rollout of My Health Record, RACGP President-elect Dr Harry Nespolon has spoken with Federal Health Minister Greg Hunt about strengthening the legislation’s privacy provisions.
‘Like many members, I have been very concerned regarding the privacy provisions in the My Health Record 2012 legislation … in particular section 70, “Disclosure for law enforcement purposes”,’ Dr Nespolon said in a letter to RACGP members.
‘There are issues regarding specific aspects of the legislation, which conflict with the aims of delivering good healthcare and improving health outcomes for all Australians.
‘Confidentiality and the expectation of privacy is the cornerstone in the provision of healthcare.’
Dr Nespolon spoke directly with Minister Hunt earlier this week to raise and discuss his concerns.
‘In response to my initiative, the minister has agreed to work to satisfactorily strengthen the privacy provisions governing My Health Record in regards to the legislation, in line with government policy and practice,’ he wrote to members.
Dr Nespolon said he will provide RACGP members with an update on the outcomes of college discussions with the Government when possible.
my health record patient privacy privacy provisions
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