

In Practice: Aged care incentive info session

Morgan Liotta

8/08/2024 3:17:43 PM

The RACGP President is hosting a webinar next week for GPs to better understand the new incentive and what it means for their practice.

GP with aged care patient
The new General Practice in Aged Care Incentive became available on 1 August for GPs and practices participating in MyMedicare.

This week’s In Practice also includes voting periods for the new RACGP President and faculty council members, as well as Medicare and digital health tool resources.
General Practice in Aged Care Incentive webinar 
Webinar: Tuesday 13 August, 7.00 pm (AEST) 
Register online 
As of 1 August, the General Practice in Aged Care Incentive (GPACI) is available to GPs and practices participating in MyMedicare. Replacing the Aged Care Access Incentive, the GPACI will provide important funding to support GPs delivering care to patients in residential aged care facilities.  
To help GPs understand this new incentive and what it means for them, RACGP President Dr Nicole Higgins is chairing a webinar presented by the Department of Health and Aged Care (DoHAC). It will provide an overview of the GPACI, how GPs can make the most of the new incentive and keep on top of their obligations under the scheme. The webinar will also feature a Q&A allowing participants to ask questions about the scheme directly to the Department.  
RACGP faculty nominations
Nominations for the RACGP Faculty Elections close on 23 August, with candidates announced on 27 August, and voting open from 30 August until 9 September.
All eligible members are encouraged to vote as a chance to have their say.
Faculty councils are established as advisory bodies to the RACGP Board and to represent members’ interests, as well as informing the work of faculties, which are a vital link between members and the broader organisation and play a key role in implementing college strategy.
Faculty representation allows members to influence matters that impact on the profession and ensure the RACGP continues to reflect the evolving needs of GPs and the work they contribute to health outcomes across Australia. 
More information and candidate statements are available on the RACGP website.
Q&A with 2024 President election candidates 
Webinar: Wednesday 14 August, 7.30 pm (AEST) 
Register online 
Candidates for the next RACGP President have been announced, and the college is holding a Q&A session as an opportunity to meet each candidate and hear their responses to questions from members. Topics include strategies to strengthen the general practice workforce and raise the profile of GPs as the most essential part of the health system. There will also be an opportunity to ask questions on the night.
Voting for the Presidential elections is open from 12–22 August and eligible members will receive an email with their unique voting link. This election is the chance to shape the future of general practice by choosing the next RACGP President.  
New Medicare Q&A resource
The RACGP has published written responses to questions asked by attendees at last year’s webinar on unpacking the Medicare compliance process, presented by the DoHAC and the Professional Services Review.
The questions received cover a broad range of MBS topics including chronic disease management, assignment of benefit, billing processes and Medicare compliance. Responses have been grouped together under common themes for ease of reading.
For other Medicare educational resources, visit the RACGP website.
Digital health tools
The RACGP’s recently released on-demand recording of the digital health tools in general practice webinar provides an overview of useful digital tools available to support clinical care and business efficiencies.  
This webinar:

  • takes an in-depth look at Provider Connect Australia; a tool available for general practice to share information with other organisations
  • provides a brief overview of electronic prescribing and other helpful digital tools available
  • provides advice on how to get patients more engaged with the digital tools practices use.  
Information on the Connecting Australian Healthcare National Healthcare Interoperability Plan 2023–28 is also provided, which outlines a national vision to share consumer health information in a safe, secure and seamless way. 
Developed in collaboration with the Australian Digital Health Agency, this webinar is accredited for one CPD Educational Activity hour.
National COVID-19 vaccination program update
The DoHAC has released the latest Primary Care Vaccine Provider Bulletin. Key updates include the reduction in maximum ordering allocations for the Pfizer (XBB.1.5) 12 years+ (Grey) vaccine from 600 doses to 120 doses per fortnight.
For practices that require more stock, this will be available to order.
The Pfizer XBB.1.5 six months to four years (MAROON) vaccine will be added to the vaccination program from 19 August.
Medicines safety update: Azithromycin and rare risk of cardiovascular death
The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) has issued an updated warning about the risk of sudden cardiovascular death to the Product Information and Consumer Medicine Information documents for azithromycin. More information is available on the TGA website.
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digital health faculty elections general practice in aged care incentive In Practice Medicare RACGP Presidential elections

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