In Practice: AJGP revamp to launch first edition of 2023
The AJGP cover design has undergone an update to enable easier navigation of what’s in each issue and referencing articles.
From the Jan–Feb issue, the AJGP cover has had a design refresh to make it easier to see the content of each issue.
This week’s round-up also includes an extension for practices to apply to be a part of the new GP-led Respiratory Clinic Panel, and new information on MBS billing for field nerve block items.
AJGP Jan–Feb issue includes cover design refresh
The Australian Journal of General Practice (AJGP) begins 2023 with a focus on infertility and the vital role GPs play in advising couples who would like to have children.
This issue touches on how GPs can have a meaningful conversation about future fertility with patients, care for those presenting with fertility concerns, including providing information on fertility assistance and reproductive technologies, and support those undergoing fertility treatment.
The AJGP cover design has also undergone an update – the design has evolved to make it easier to see what’s in each issue.
At the top of the journal’s cover the contents list can be found on a white background in a fixed position, making it easier to read and reference, including when there’s a cover-mount obscuring content.
The new Jan–Feb issue of AJGP is available in the RACGP website.
Applications extended for new GP-led Respiratory Clinic Panel
The Department of Health and Aged Care (DoH) is establishing the GP-led Respiratory Clinic Panel (GPRCP) to ensure there is sufficient surge capacity to respond to future COVID-19 waves or any other respiratory health emergencies.
The GPRCP will consist of up to 150 accredited primary care services that will be held in reserve and activated as needed during a COVID-19 or other respiratory health emergency.
During such emergencies, panel members will have access to a new bulk-billed MBS item for respiratory consultations and be eligible to claim a Practice Incentive Payment (PIP), equivalent to their PIP QI payment per three-month period.
Participants can still provide their usual services in conjunction with respiratory services.
Registration is open via AusTender, with practices now having until 9 February to submit a tender to be considered.
Correct claiming of MBS regional and field nerve block items
The DoH has developed a fact sheet to assist providers, particularly those in the diagnostic imaging sector, to understand and meet their obligations when billing MBS regional and field nerve block items (18222 and 18225).
The fact sheet outlines changes to the items introduced on 1 March 2022 and provides information to help support correct billing.
Updated PBS listing of morphine and oxycodone oral solutions
From 1 February, the DoH has made changes to the listing of the below oral solutions products on the PBS to allow pharmacists to dispense volumes smaller than a whole bottle at PBS-subsidised prices.
- Morphine hydrochloride trihydrate 2 mg per mL, 200 mL
- Morphine hydrochloride trihydrate 5 mg per mL, 200 mL
- Morphine hydrochloride trihydrate 10 mg per mL, 200 mL
- Oxycodone hydrochloride 1 mg per mL, 250 mL
More details on the changes are available on the
PBS website.
E-cigarettes: Threat or promise?
Webinar: Thursday 23 February, 7.30 – 9.00 pm (AEDT)
A panel of international experts in respiratory medicine will discuss the debate around the efficacy of vaping for smoking cessation, and compare the various approaches to tobacco/nicotine control between Australia and the UK.
Presented by
The Limbic, the webinar is hosted by Associate Professor Natasha Smallwood, consultant respiratory physician at the Alfred Hospital, Melbourne, and Board Director of the Thoracic Society of Australia and New Zealand.
Register online.
IMiA 2023: Last chance to register
Registrations are still open for the biennial
International Medicine in Addiction (IMiA) conference, held in Melbourne Friday to Sunday, 17–19 February.
The conference provides an opportunity to learn from, meet and collaborate with other health professionals with an interest in addressing the complex issues that come from addiction. GPs are
well-placed to help patients experiencing addiction, providing non-judgemental support, treatment, and referral.
The event is a collaboration between the RACGP, RACP and RANZCP and will present a diverse and thought-provoking program covering the latest in addiction research and clinical practice.
Register online.
Summary of the Standards: 5th map
5th map is a one-page summary of the RACGP’s
Standards for general practices, 5th edition. Practices can use 5th map during accreditation preparations to save time and reduce stress.
In partnership with 5th map,
RACGP Plus members can receive a 10% discount offer this month.
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AJGP Australian Journal of General Practice In Practice MBS items respiratory clinic panel
newsGP weekly poll
Do you think changes are needed to make the PBS authority approval process more streamlined for GPs?