

In Practice: Global general practice comparisons

Morgan Liotta

26/05/2022 3:01:21 PM

Next month, GPs can gain insight into the UK and Australia’s COVID-19 and CVD experiences in general practice, via two special seminars.

Infographic of coronavirus on world map
Upcoming seminars will lend insight into how Australian general practice compared with the UK during COVID-19.

This week’s round up also includes a number of upcoming CPD-accredited activities for GPs to upskill, and a chance to catch up on the latest monkeypox update.
COVID-19 in primary care: A UK and Australian experience
Tuesday 14 June, 1.00 – 2.00 pm (AEST)
Melbourne University’s Department of General Practice is inviting GPs to attend either in-person at the university in Parkville, or online via Zoom.
Professor Richard Hobbs, Head of Primary Care Health Sciences and Pro-Vice-Chancellor at the UK’s University of Oxford, will focus on the implications of impactful pandemic research, much of which was led by the University of Oxford, particularly the national priority research from Oxford Primary Care.
Professor Michael Kidd, Australia’s Deputy Chief Medical Officer and Professor of Primary Care Reform at the Australian National University, will consider an Australian perspective on the role of primary care during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Further information, including speaker biographies and registration link, is available on the event webpage.
Cardiovascular disease guidelines and implementation: What is new in general practice?
Webinar: Tuesday 14 June, 6.00 – 7.00 pm (AEST)
Melbourne University’s Department of General Practice is inviting GPs to attend the online seminar presented by Professor Richard Hobbs, Head of Primary Care Health Sciences and Pro-Vice-Chancellor at the UK’s University of Oxford.
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) remains a significant cause of death and disability globally, even when compared against the COVID-19 pandemic. It has also become one of the most evidence-rich areas of medicine, yet the decline in CVD rates in many parts of the world have either plateaued or even reversed.
This session will briefly explore the importance of CVD, the summary evidence for the recognition of CVD risks and their management, the recent updates in guidance, and implementation issues for clinical practice.
Further information, including full speaker biography and registration link, is available on the event webpage.
Family Violence GP Education Program  
In Australia, it is estimated that one in six women have experienced domestic and family violence since the age of 15 years.  
May is domestic and family violence awareness month – dedicated to increasing community awareness, understanding, and recognising the devastation caused by this pervasive issue. As this month draws to a close, the RACGP encourages all GPs to take part in the CPD-accredited Family Violence GP Education Program.
The program aims to build GPs’ skills in identifying, responding to and supporting people experiencing domestic and family violence. 
Next session, facilitated by Dr Neha Parvatreddy: Wednesday 1 June, 6.00 – 7.00 pm (AEST)  
40 RACGP CPD Activity points available.
Register online
Diabetic eye disease: A GP’s perspective
Webinar: Tuesday 7 June, 7.00 – 8.00 pm (AEST)
2 RACGP CPD Activity points available
Developed by Macular Disease Foundation Australia, this webinar provides a presentation to GPs on diabetic eye disease by Associate Professor Peter van Wijngaarden (CERA and Keepsight), followed by a panel Q&A discussion with Dr Gary Deed, Chair of RACGP Specific Interests Diabetes.
Learning objectives:

  • Outline the varied clinical presentations of how diabetes affects the eyes and vision
  • Describe risk factors for the development and progression of diabetic retinopathy
  • Identify effective multidisciplinary referral pathways for people living with, or at risk of diabetic retinopathy
Register online.
Monkeypox update for primary care
A recent special primary care webinar provided an update on the evolving monkeypox situation.
Professor Michael Kidd, Deputy Chief Medical Officer, Professor Deborah Williamson, Director at the Victorian Infectious Diseases Reference Laboratory, and Dr James McMahon, Vice President of the Australian Society for HIV, Viral Hepatitis and Sexual Health Medicine, presented the latest information on the virus.
A recording of the webinar is available on the Department of Health website.
Supporting confident and rational prescribing
The NPS MedicineWise National Prescribing Curriculum (NPC) recently held a webinar on supporting confident and rational prescribing by health professional graduates.
Outlining the history of the NPC since its introduction in 2002, the webinar highlights key characteristics of the modules, sharing recent and future developments.
GPs interested in viewing the webinar recording can register their details online.
Preparing your practice to deliver medical abortion
Monday 6 June, 7.30 – 8.30 pm (AEST)
One in five Australian women will have an abortion in their lifetime but access to services, particularly in rural areas, and high out-of-pocket costs remain significant hurdles for women wishing to exercise reproductive choice.
Early medical abortion can be used to respond to an unintended pregnancy, and the third webinar in the AusCAPPS series will focus on preparing a general practice to deliver early medical abortion.
The webinar will highlight the considerations practice teams should make regarding resources, training, and preparation for medical abortion, including patient and practice support needs.
Hosted by the AusCAPPS network and Dr Amy Moten, Chair of RACGP Specific Interests Sexual Health Medicine, with a presentation by Dr Richard Mayes, winner of the 2021 RACGP Rural Brian Williams Award.
Register online.
Depression – is it family abuse or violence?
Webinar: Thursday 2 June, 1.00 – 1.30 pm (AEST)
1 RACGP CPD Activity point available
The RACGP’s ‘Mental bites’ is a lunch-time webinar series with bite-sized information presented by RACGP Specific Interests Psychological Medicine.
GPs are already aware of mental health assessments, diagnosis, and management. But this series is designed to provide an opportunity to learn more about how to do the work – the micro-skills of engagement, forming safe and effective therapeutic alliances, and communication with patients.

Presented by Dr Libby Hindmarsh, Chair of RACGP Specific Interests Abuse and Violence in Families, the fourth webinar in this series will discuss patients presenting with symptoms of depression and how family abuse or violence can often be missed when this is treated.
Register online.
Are your dermatology skills only skin deep? 
The Certificate of Primary Care Dermatology has been developed to help GPs and GPs in training increase their expertise and confidence when presented with dermatological cases in their practice. 
Participants will learn to better understand and treat a broader range of common skin conditions, including skin cancer, as well as recognise the conditions that requite urgent referral. 
Dermatological surgery and procedures workshop dates have also been announced for the second half of 2022 in Brisbane and Melbourne, with the first workshop in Sydney on Friday 3 June.
GPs are encouraged to enrol in additional CPD activities before the end of the financial year. 
As the 2020–22 RACGP CPD triennium draws to a close, the two-day workshop on dermatological surgery and procedures has been approved for a total of 80 CPD Accredited Activity points (40 points per day). Attendance is required on both days to receive the full 80 points. 
More information, workshop dates and registration is available on the RACGP website.
Australian Patients Association – 2022 Awards
Nominations are now open for ‘Most Outstanding General Practitioner’ at the Australian Patients Association’s 2022 Awards, which will be held on 18 August at Sofitel Melbourne on Collins.
Further information is available on the APA website and nominations are due to close on 30 June.
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COVID-19 CPD CVD In Practice NPS MedicineWise webinars

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