

In Practice: My Aged Care fax to be decommissioned

Matt Woodley

1/06/2023 4:37:59 PM

A number of alternative pathways exist, including the GP e-Referral solution and the Make a Referral tool on the My Aged Care website.

Broken fax machine.
The My Aged Care fax number will be decommissioned on 31 July.

This week’s In Practice also includes information on the upcoming influenza vaccination advertising campaign and details about an upcoming webinar on the RACGP’s Healthy Habits tool.
My Aged Care fax
The Department of Health and Aged Care (DoH) has advised that the My Aged Care fax number (1800 728 174) will be decommissioned on 31 July.
A number of alternative pathways already exist, including the GP e-Referral solution and the Make a Referral tool on the My Aged Care website.
According to the DoH, decommissioning the fax is expected to: 

  • make it faster and easier for clients to progress through their aged care journey
  • provide certainty for referrers that a referral has been received by My Aged Care
  • allow information to be pre-populated where possible.
The DoH has written directly to impacted stakeholders currently using fax and will continue to provide further communication in the lead-up to the decommissioning.
Further queries can be directed to and more information is also available on the My Aged Care Health Professionals webpage.
National influenza advertising campaign
The 2023 national influenza advertising campaign has begun, with the aim of increasing awareness about the serious risks of influenza and encouraging uptake of the free vaccines available under the National Immunisation Program.
The campaign includes three streams of messaging to encourage the following at-risk groups to get the free influenza vaccine:
  • children aged six months to under five years 
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people aged six months and over
  • pregnant women. 
People aged 65 and over, and people with certain medical conditions are also eligible for free influenza vaccines.
The campaign will run until late June across video, audio, search and social media channels. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander-focused materials will also be placed across television, radio and Aboriginal Health TV.
GPs can access the campaign materials on the DoH website and are encouraged to promote them through their communication channels.
Introduction to Healthy Habits
Webinar: Wednesday 14 June, 7.00 pm (AEST)
CPD: One hour EA
GPs wanting to learn more about Healthy Habits, the RACGP’s free evidence-based digital tool that encourages patients to establish and sustain positive lifestyle changes, are invited to attend a free upcoming webinar hosted by Professor Mark Harris and Nurse Practitioner Denise Lyons.
Healthy Habits comprises a patient mobile app, website, clinician dashboard, resource hub and patient pathways conversation guides.
The app connects patients to their general practice dashboard so clinicians and primary care nurses can track their patients’ progress on achieving physical activity and nutrition goals and send messages of support.
This session will showcase the key features of the Healthy Habits tools and discuss ways to identify and engage patients in using the tool.
Register online.
ADHD in Women – Gender blindness in psych research
Webinar: Wednesday 7 June, 7.00 – 8.00 pm (AEST)
Well known media commentator and respected GP Dr Sally Cockburn – also known as ‘Dr Feelgood’ – will be exploring various GP-relevant clinical topics with guest panelists to address ‘stuff they didn’t teach you in medical school’.
In this session, Dr Cockburn will be joined by Professor Jayashri Kulkarni, founder and director of HER Centre Australia and the Monash Alfred Psychiatry Research Centre (MAPrc), to hear about how a ‘gender-blind’ system affects women’s mental health.
Register online.

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fax machines Healthy Habits influenza My Aged Care

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