

In Practice: MyMedicare webinars

Matt Woodley

24/08/2023 4:55:50 PM

The first of what will likely be many webinars on the Government’s proposed voluntary patient enrolment scheme has been set for next week.

GP watching webinar.
MyMedicare is coming, but what does it mean for GPs?

This week’s In Practice also includes a callout for FPS providers interested in education, webinars on fertility, pancreatic cancer and gender-affirming care, veterans’ mindfulness resources, and special offers for the upcoming Medicine in South Africa Tours.
MyMedicare: First steps – what is it, and what do I need to know? 
MyMedicare is coming, but what does it mean for GPs? The RACGP, in partnership with the NSW/ACT PHNs invites general practices to attend a webinar focusing on the proposed MyMedicare initiative, set to roll out from 1 October.
Find out about the benefits and impacts of MyMedicare on general practice and patients, and the role of PHNs.
Hosted by Professor Charlotte Hespe, RACGP NSW&ACT Chair, it will feature: 

  • Dr Nicole Higgins, RACGP President
  • Dr Walid Jammal, Co-Chair of the Primary Health Reform Steering Group
  • Associate Professor Matthew Gray, Chair of the National PHN Chair Council
  • Simon Cotterell, First Assistant Secretary of the Primary Care Division at the Department of Health and Aged Care
Date: Monday 28 August, 7.00 – 8.30 pm.
Register online.
Callout for FPS providers interested in education
Are you a registered GP provider of focussed psychological strategies (FPS) with an interest in education?
RACGP Rural is currently seeking expressions of interests from suitably qualified GPs to facilitate small group case-based discussion sessions as part of its online FPS skills training.
FPS facilitators will:
  • lead the discussion by providing expert advice during each group session
  • encourage GP participants to explore psychological interventions, such as cognitive behavioural therapy and psychoeducation.
Interested members and those seeking more information can contact RACGP Rural via email or call 1800 636 764.
Pancreatic cancer: A GP’s guide to signs, symptom relief and support 
Webinar: Tuesday 29 August  
Time: 7.00 – 8.00 pm (AEST)
CPD: 1 EA hour 
Cost: Free 
This webinar will provide awareness and best practice advice of risk stratification, surveillance and supportive care needs, together with new approaches to enable the best possible experience and care for patients with suspected pancreatic cancer.  
Presented in partnership with VCCC Alliance, this session is the second of a three-part series, which concludes on 19 September.
Registration and further information on the full series is available online.
Fertility preservation
Webinar: Tuesday 5 September
Time: 7.00 pm – 8.00 pm (AEST)
CPD: 1 EA hour
Cost: Free
In this session, GPs will hear from fertility specialist Dr Gareth Weston on fertility preservation across the spectrum.
For both egg and sperm freezing, this session will include identifying suitable patients (including elective and medical reasons) and reasons for preservation, initial testing and how to interpret the results, and the freezing process and outcomes.
Dr Weston will also discuss preservation for trans and gender diverse people before the commencement of hormone replacement therapy, plus the success rates of using frozen oocytes (eggs and sperm) to create embryos.

All registrants will receive the on-demand link with the recording if they are unable to attend the live session.
Register online.
Alt Wednesday: Gender-affirming care
Webinar: Wednesday 6 September
Time: 7.00 pm – 8.00 pm (AEST)
CPD: 1 EA hour
Cost: Free
Every month, well known media commentator and respected GP Dr Sally Cockburn takes a deep dive into various GP-relevant clinical topics with guest panellists to address ‘stuff they didn’t teach you in medical school’.
Recent media attention looking at gender-affirming care for young people who identify as gender diverse was contradictory, and no doubt has caused confusion among patients and possibly GPs.
September’s Alt Wednesday session seeks to explain gender-affirming care and put this sensitive topic into perspective for GPs. We will be joined by the co-Chairs of the Gender Service at the Royal Children’s Hospital.
Registration and past sessions are available online.
Breaking the barriers: Patients who use domestic and family violence
Advanced workshop: Thursday 31 August
Time: 7.00 – 8.30 pm (AEST)
This online advanced workshop, presented by the University of Melbourne’s Safer Families Centre, is designed to enhance GPs’ and clinical primary care providers’ confidence in responding safely and sensitively to disclosures of using domestic violence.
It will also cover how to consider the whole family when working with people who use violence and is designed for GPs and clinical staff who already have a base knowledge of how to identify when violence is occurring and safely engage with people who use violence.
For more information and to register, visit the Safer Families website.
GP training facilitator positions open
Are you a GP or practice nurse interested in improving the capacity of primary health to identify and respond to family violence? The Safer Families Centre is looking for someone to join its team in a casual position as a GP facilitator.
Upcoming ‘train the trainer’ dates are available with limited places in September. More information is available on the Safer Families website.
GP Research Project Noticeboard
The RACGP GP Research Project Noticeboard presents surveys and research projects that GPs can get involved in.
Current projects listed on the noticeboard include chronic pain opioid prescribing, integrated rare disease care, young adults with stroke, and data linkage for diabetes prevention.
The RACGP supports GPs undertaking research that contributes to the knowledge base of the profession and has a list of more than 35 projects that members can contribute to. GPs can also submit their research projects to the noticeboard to invite participation from the general practice community.
Stress reduction and coordinated veterans’ care
The Department of Veterans’ Affairs new Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Program is now available for veterans and their families.
The free online forums are designed to help veterans and families improve stress management skills, and build connections with others experiencing the same issues.
There is also a new survey for veteran patients in the Coordinated Veterans’ Care Program, which is seeking feedback on their experiences.
Mental Health and Wellbeing Act implementation
Mental Health Victoria has been funded by the Department of Health to develop support and training platforms aimed at informing the community mental health and wellbeing sector of its roles, responsibilities and obligations under the Mental Health and Wellbeing Act 2022.
The increased scope of this legislation and incoming changes to the service delivery framework will result in many mental health and wellbeing professionals and organisations being encompassed under this Act for the first time.
Mental Health Victoria will also be visiting five regional communities to hold information sessions in coming weeks:
  • Benalla: 24 August, 11.00 am
  • Geelong: 31 August, 10.00 am
  • Ballarat: 31 August, 3.00 pm
  • Brimbank: 5 September, 2.00 pm
  • Latrobe: 7 September, 10.00 am
Venues are still to be finalised, but those interested can register online.
People with further queries about these events can contact
Medicine in South Africa Tour
Travel from Cape Town to the coastal city of Durban before continuing into stunning KwaZulu Natal and take game drives in the Kruger National Park.
Spearheaded by tour leader Dr Matt Young, this offer for the new family friendly Medicine in South Africa Tour is exclusive to RACGP members.
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education fertility In Practice mental health MyMedicare pancreatic cancer

newsGP weekly poll Do you think the Federal Government’s expansion of Distribution Priority Areas will make it harder to recruit GPs to regional and remote Australia?

newsGP weekly poll Do you think the Federal Government’s expansion of Distribution Priority Areas will make it harder to recruit GPs to regional and remote Australia?



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