

In Practice: RACGP membership renewal benefits

Morgan Liotta

9/06/2022 2:50:25 PM

The college is offering a number of benefits if members renew before the end of the financial year.

RACGP wall plaque
The college is offering a range of membership benefits for all renewals before 30 June, including discounted registration to GP22.

Information on how GPs can provide feedback on an independent review of collaborative arrangements for nurse practitioners, is also included in this week’s In Practice round up, as are details on a number of upcoming educational webinars.
Membership renewal benefits
If 2022–23 RACGP membership is renewed before 30 June, members will receive a $100 discount on registration to attend GP22 in Melbourne, 25–27 November.
This year’s conference program will include accredited workshops for 40 CPD points and basic life support workshops to meet requirements for the 2020–22 triennium.
By renewing before 30 June, members can also access three special offers through RACGP Plus:

  1. Home loans that recognise the value of healthcare professionals
  2. A 10% lifetime discount on life cover, plus the first month free 
  3. Access to tailormade and cost-effective solutions across safety and wellbeing, workers’ compensation, injury management and employee benefits
GPs are encouraged to renew their membership now and remain part of Australia’s largest professional network of GPs.
Any questions or to discuss payment options can be directed to or 1800 472 247.
Independent review of collaborative arrangements
The Department of Health has commissioned IPS Management Consultants to undertake an independent review of Nurse Practitioner Collaborative Arrangements.
The IPS is looking to find out what is working well, what things could be done better, and how collaborative arrangements should look in the future. They are seeking feedback via an online survey, which closes Sunday 26 June.
RACGP members can find out more about the college’s position on nurse practitioners in primary care.
Psychological assessment: Assessing a patient’s capacity for work
To help GPs manage recovery pathways and outline expectations to their patients, Comcare has released a one-page resource providing step-by-step assistance for assessing a patient’s capacity for work, with a focus on psychological considerations.
Comcare also hosted a recent webinar on assessing functional capacity to work for psychological injuries, presented by an expert panel made up of a practising GP, psychologist and psychiatrist. The panel discusses ‘good work’, along with its benefits, and provides advice on modifications to support continued work participation.
Audit and feedback to improve antibiotic use in long-term care
Webinar: Tuesday 21 June, 8.30 – 9.30 am (AEST)
Register online.
The Audit and Feedback MetaLab are holding a webinar to present the results of a province-wide peer comparison audit and feedback program to antibiotic prescribers in long-term care facilities.
Two randomised controlled trials comparing incremental improvements to audit and feedback will be presented by Dr Nick Daneman, and chaired by Associate Professor Denise O’Connor.
A recording of the webinar will also be available after the live session. Register online for a recording to be emailed. For further information contact Julie Briggs.
Domestic and family violence training update
The Safer Families Centre at the University of Melbourne is leading Pathways to Safety – The Readiness Program, a national domestic and family violence (DFV) training program for primary care providers.
Evidence shows primary care providers have a crucial role to play in addressing DFV. At least one in 10 women attending general practice will have experienced DFV, and it is estimated a full-time GP sees up to five unidentified abused women per week. GPs are the highest professional group disclosed to by current survivors, even more than police.  
The Pathways to Safety program will help to streamline pathways and reinforce a team approach to recognition and referral. This includes for Victoria, training that incorporates the principles of the Multi-Agency Risk Assessment and Management (MARAM) Framework and information sharing.
Training is also now available in Murray Primary Health Network catchment.
Participants of the program receive accredited in-practice education, tools and support for the whole of practice to effectively identify, respond and refer individuals and families experiencing DFV.
To find out more and apply for the program contact Kitty Novy or visit the Safer Families website.
Other learning options through The Readiness Program include a suite of one-hour e-learning modules, workshops on a range of topics and a webinar series hosted by the RACGP.
Responding to LGBTIQA+ family abuse and violence in general practice
Webinar: Thursday 21 July, 7.00 – 8.30 pm (AEST)
Eligible for 3 RACGP CPD Activity points
Register online.
Hosted by Associate Professor Ruth McNair, academic and GP with a special interest in LGBTIQA+ healthcare, and Marina Carman, Director of Rainbow Health Victoria.
Presented as an interactive education activity, the session will provide GPs with necessary competencies in supporting LGBTIQA+ people who experience family violence.
Learning outcomes:
  • Understand the prevalence and specific drivers of family violence for LGBTIQA+ people
  • Outline the drivers of family violence amongst subgroups of LGBTIQA+ people
  • Understand the risk of suicide in relation to family violence
  • Identify and overcome barriers to identification of family violence amongst LGBTIQA+ people
  • Use the socio-ecological framework to develop management approaches for LGBTIQA+ family violence in primary care
Preventing abuse of older people
Webinar: Thursday 18 August, 7.00 pm – 8.30 pm (AEST)
Eligible for 3 RACGP CPD Activity points
Register online.
Presented by Dr Elizabeth Hindmarsh, GP and Chair of RACGP Specific Interests Abuse and Violence, and Professor Dimity Pond from the University of Newcastle.
This webinar will discuss how general practice can contribute to the prevention and intervention of the abuse of older people and contribute to a safer society for all.
Learning outcomes:
  • Understand the prevalence of the abuse of older people in society
  • Discuss and become more aware of how to ask and intervene with patients to enhance safety
  • Discuss available resources and options for referrals
GP22 registration now open
The RACGP is excited to bring GP22 to Melbourne on 25–27 November.
Running as an in-person event for the first time in two years, GP22 will give GPs access to the education and networking opportunities they may have missed during the pandemic.
Highlights from the program include:
  • dermatological presentations
  • cardiovascular health
  • pain management
  • women’s health
  • endocrine and metabolic health
  • mental health.
This year’s program will also include accredited workshops for 40 CPD points and basic life support workshops for GPs to meet requirements for the 2020–22 triennium.
Register online.
Rural Procedural Grants Program: Online education claims extended until 31 December
The Rural Procedural Grants Program (RPGP) helps cover the cost of professional development for GPs who provide procedural and/or emergency medicine services in unsupervised settings in rural and remote areas.
The RPGP provides GPs the opportunity to access financial assistance to maintain or update skills, so they can continue to provide vital service to their community.
GPs registered in the RPGP can continue to claim grants for online education until 31 December 2022. The date has been extended by the Department of Health in collaboration with general practice colleges to make professional development more accessible for rural and remote GPs during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
To attend an activity to claim, GPs must be registered in the program prior to attending.
Visit the RACGP website for more information or to register.
Australian Patients Association 2022 awards
Nominations are now open until 30 June for ‘Most Outstanding General Practitioner’ in APA’s 2022 awards. More information is available on the APA website.
RACGP Plus – July offer
RACGP Plus members can receive a quote from MBA Car Assist to help purchase a new automotive vehicle before the end of financial year. More information is available on RACGP Plus.
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CPD family abuse and violence GP22 In Practice membership

newsGP weekly poll Which incoming change do you think will be most beneficial to women’s healthcare?

newsGP weekly poll Which incoming change do you think will be most beneficial to women’s healthcare?



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