

In Practice: What is general practice?

Morgan Liotta

23/02/2023 2:58:51 PM

The RACGP Standards Committee is seeking feedback on the draft definition of a general practice to inform its implementation.

General practice waiting room
Earlier consultation with the general practice profession informed the RACGP’s decision to update its definition of a general practice.

This week’s round-up also includes an upcoming International Women’s Day event, plus upskilling opportunities for GPs in the areas of insomnia, obesity, dermatology, maternity care and child mental health.
Consultation: Definition of a general practice for the purpose of accreditation
The RACGP is updating its definition of a general practice for the purpose of accreditation to ensure all general practices providing comprehensive, patient-centred, whole-person and continuous care are eligible for accreditation against the Standards for general practices (5th edition).
The RACGP Expert Committee – Standards for General Practices (REC–SGP) recognises that the current definition excludes some practices that provide crucial services to the community, including residential aged care facility and outreach services. Earlier consultation with the profession informed the decision to update the definition.
The Standards team and REC–SGP are seeking feedback on the draft definition to inform its implementation. College members are invited to read the consultation paper and provide feedback using the consultation survey by 26 March.
More information and registration to attend Q&A sessions are available on the RACGP consultations page.
International Women’s Day high tea
The RACGP is celebrating this International Women’s Day and embracing equity by recognising powerful leaders and influential women in general practice who strive to shape the way forward in change and care.
On Sunday 5 March from 11.30 am – 2.30 pm, the college will host a high tea at the RACV City Club, Bourke Street, Melbourne. Costs includes high tea and drinks.

Guest speakers will discuss leadership, influence and equity, and include:

  • Adjunct Professor Karen Price
  • Dr Mariam Tokhi
  • Dr Hannah Jackson
  • Dr Christie Rodda
  • Dr Sally Cockburn
Find out more and register online.
Trial insomnia program for GP referrals
Cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia (CBTi) is one of the first-line treatments for insomnia, targeting the underlying causes of insomnia and resulting in long-term improvements. CBTi is effective in patients with comorbid mental and physical health conditions.
To overcome the limited access to CBTi treatment and referral options, Flinders University is trialling a self-guided online CBTi program of five weekly 20–30-minute sessions suitable for general practice patients.
The trial allows GPs to refer eligible patients with insomnia to the study, who will be provided access to the digital CBTi program immediately, or after an eight-week waiting period (as per randomised controlled trial conditions).
More information and to access the referral pathway is available online, or by contacting Dr Alexander Sweetman.
Long-term successful surgical solutions for obesity treatment
Webinar: Tuesday 28 February, 7.00 – 8.00 pm (AEDT)
Presented by Dr Ahmad Aly and Dr Alex Craven, two specialist upper-gastrointestinal surgeons passionate about helping people with obesity, this webinar for GPs will explain how obesity meets the criteria of a progressive chronic disease, plus the stigma and myths surrounding the disease.  
Register online.
The role of GPs in preventing subsequent events in patients with ASCVD
Webinar: Wednesday 15 March, 7.00 – 8.00 pm (AEDT)
What is the role of GPs in preventing subsequent events in patients with atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD)? A series of three webinars focusing on this topic will progress through the topics of ‘Identify’, ‘Optimise’ and ‘Review’.
In the first in the series, ‘Identify’, RACGP Victoria Chair Dr Anita Muñoz and cardiologist Professor Christian Hamilton-Craig will discuss how to proactively identify high-risk patients for secondary prevention.
Register online.
Australian Psychological Society online training module for GPs
Forced adoption practices in Australia through to the late 1970s were widespread, affecting many people and changing generations of families.    

The Australian Psychological Society (APS) has developed a one-hour online training module for GPs, free for a limited time, to support their understanding on what occurred, the impact of forced adoption practices on families, and possible assessment and treatment options to support those in need.
More information is available on the APS website.
Certificate of Primary Care Dermatology: Registrations now open
Are your dermatology skills only skin deep? The RACGP’s Certificate of Primary Care Dermatology, supported by Sonic Healthcare, has been developed to help GPs and GPs in training increase their expertise and confidence when presented with dermatological cases in their practice.
The certificate consists of 25 online courses, a two-day workshop and a three-day clinical experience. 
Interested participants can sign up per course and complete it at their own pace within three years, or enrol for the whole certificate in advance – saving $1125 on course fees. Register online.
Dates for the 2023 Dermatology workshops are now available, with the next workshop coming to Sydney in June.
RACGP Maternity moments webinar series
History, examination, investigation, treatment and management are crucial to the GP’s role in supporting and providing high-quality care to women during their pre-conception, pregnancy and postpartum journey.
But how can time-poor clinicians best ensure the important questions and information are passed on in a timely manner, follow clinical guidelines and provide meaningful, patient-centred care at this important time?
Dr Wendy Burton, Chair of RACGP Specific Interests Antenatal and Postnatal Care, has created a short, sharp educational lunchtime webinar series from 1.00 – 1.30 pm (AEDT) with the busy GP in mind. Participants will follow the consult journey of:
RACGP and Emerging Minds webinar series
Connecting with families: Common practice challenges in child mental health
Thursday 30 March, 7.00 – 8.30 pm
1.5 EA CPD hours
The 2023 Emerging Minds and RACGP Specific Interests webinar series will continue to advocate for a child-centred and family-focused approach to infant and child mental health. The series will again be structured around practice challenges associated with the delivery of the Childhood Mental Health Consultation Guide which consists of four distinct phases – connect, explore, plan and collaborate.
Based on a case study, this webinar will explore some of the challenges and opportunities faced by GPs in the ‘connect’ phase of practice. The webinar will draw on the National Child Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy as the foundation to explore the important role of all general practice staff, including non-clinical staff, practice nurses, practice managers and GPs in connecting with children and families.
Register online.
RACGP members can receive a 10% discount off the Standards for general practices simplified accreditation preparation model, 5th Map, by logging in to the RACGP member portal to access the promotional code for the offer.
Log in below to join the conversation.

CPD general practice accreditation In Practice International Women’s Day

newsGP weekly poll Do you think the Federal Government’s expansion of Distribution Priority Areas will make it harder to recruit GPs to regional and remote Australia?

newsGP weekly poll Do you think the Federal Government’s expansion of Distribution Priority Areas will make it harder to recruit GPs to regional and remote Australia?



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