RACGP seeks member input on its updated Vision
The Vision forms the basis of the college’s ongoing advocacy strategy for delivery of quality healthcare.
The RACGP’s 2019 Vision builds on key requirements for improving patient outcomes under the current pressures of the Australian healthcare system.
The refreshed Vision for general practice and a sustainable healthcare system (the Vision) is an update from the RACGP’s 2015 version, and provides a definition of the features of high-quality general practice and how it can be best supported by governments.
Released as a white paper, the RACGP is currently seeking feedback from members and stakeholders.
The 2019 Vision builds on issues in the Australian healthcare system that were measured in the 2015 version, including:
- an ageing population
- an increase in chronic and complex diseases
- increasing costs for patients, providers and governments
- uncertain and poorly targeted funding
- poor equity of access.
The revised Vision, developed by a working group of GPs and practice managers, takes into account the changes that have occurred in the last four years, despite many of the same pressures facing the healthcare system remaining.
The Vision remains reflective of RACGP policy and builds on the key mechanisms required for addressing the burdens facing Australian general practice in order to improve patient outcomes, further highlighting the need for meaningful consultation between governments and the profession.
While in draft form, the second edition of the Vision provides a detailed outline of profession-endorsed solutions for governments to use in addressing these pressures, including:
- modernising the Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) – including the adoption of telehealth services to support non–face-to-face consultations and better recognising GPs as specialists
- continuing fee-for-service payments
- setting rebates that accurately reflect the cost of service provision by specialist GPs
- ensuring appropriate and regular indexation to rebates
- encouraging continuity of care for patients with their preferred GP and practice (via voluntary patient enrolment)
- providing additional payments to support general practices in
- coordinating health services
- research activities
- infrastructure
- quality improvement activities
- comprehensive and team based care
- teaching and education.
The role of government in supporting and implementing the Vision is outlined and includes suggested activities and infrastructure required to achieve healthcare sustainability.
The Vision was developed by GPs and practice managers, who have an in-depth knowledge of where the system is working and failing, and are ideally placed to provide evidence and experience-based recommendations to work towards achieving a more robust health system and overall healthy Australia.
The white paper Vision is available for review on the
RACGP website.
Medicare Benefits Schedule RACGP Vision sustainable healthcare telehealth
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