RACGP supports marriage equality
‘The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners [RACGP] supports marriage equality.’
With that statement, President Dr Bastian Seidel made the RACGP’s position on same-sex marriage clear. And, in doing so, the college itself took a major step forward as a representative organisation, meeting increasingly vocal calls regarding its advocacy efforts.
The RACGP supports marriage equality
According to a recent poll, two-thirds of members indicated they believe the RACGP should play a more prominent role in advocating on issues of public policy (eg, illicit drug use, climate change, refugees, sugar tax, alcohol consumption and sale, same-sex marriage, etc).
While the RACGP has never shied away from advocacy efforts and making its voice heard, its efforts traditionally focused on issues that relate to the provision of general practice. Dr Seidel’s statement on same-sex marriage thus represented something of a watershed moment for the RACGP, and members across the country responded with feelings of positivity and thanks.
The RACGP encourages members who wish to express their views or join discussion on issues relevant to them make their voices heard via channels such as shareGP, Facebook and Twitter.
marriage-equality RACGP same-sex-marriage
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