The RACGP wants to hear from you
CEO Dr Zena Burgess discusses the vital role member feedback plays in shaping college policy now and into the future.
The RACGP member survey will close at 11:59 pm AEDT on Friday 20 December.
The RACGP annual member survey has played a significant role in the college’s decision making for many years.
The survey is not simply a box we tick to prove we are listening. It is essential in gathering your feedback, so the RACGP can improve services, advocacy, collegiality and support for all of its members.
The RACGP’s community awareness campaign, an ongoing project since 2015, has built the voice and political influence of the RACGP in Canberra, and has positively influenced perceptions of general practice in the community, media and political parties.
You will probably be familiar with the various phases of the campaign – ‘The good GP’, ‘Specialist in life’, ‘Nobody knows you like your GP’, the Medicare rebate freeze tactical campaign – but you may not know that the campaign was conceptualised following a member survey.
The urgent need for a community awareness campaign was realised after our 2014 survey revealed there was an emerging sense of anxiety among members. In response to some concerning statistics, the RACGP Board developed objectives designed to raise awareness of the breadth and impact of the role of specialist GPs across the community, and ensure the profession was finally taken seriously by our political leaders and other medical specialties.
The campaign, a long-term, influential and, so far, hugely successful project, may never have occurred without RACGP member feedback.
With this in mind, I ask you all to consider the issues that are important to you and impact your ability to practise as a GP.
What can the RACGP – your RACGP – be doing to improve your education? Your access to support? Your level of interaction with the college and your peers throughout Australia?
What are some of the challenges you face as a GP in Australia, and how can we help you solve these issues?
As with the responses that led to our community awareness campaign, your feedback will be integral to our decision making and the direction we take the RACGP.
With a federal election on the horizon and much more work to be done to ensure our political leaders value general practice and invest in the preventive care delivered by Australian GPs, now is the time for us to ensure we are supporting our members’ needs and using your feedback to advance the RACGP and the profession we hold so dear.
All RACGP members received an eDM (electronic direct mail) on 20 November that included a unique link to the member survey. The member survey will close at 11:59 pm AEDT on Friday 20 December. Contact the RACGP at or on 1800 472 247 for more information.
member survey RACGP
newsGP weekly poll
Do you think the Federal Government’s expansion of Distribution Priority Areas will make it harder to recruit GPs to regional and remote Australia?