

RACGP welcomes free flu vaccinations for NSW children as ‘a step in the right direction’

Paul Hayes

23/01/2018 2:26:44 PM

The RACGP has applauded the NSW Government’s commitment to provide free flu vaccinations to children under the age of five, but wants more to be done to done to protect all Australians against influenza.

RACGP President Dr Bastian Seidel has welcomed the NSW decision, but wants free flu vaccinations for all Australians.
RACGP President Dr Bastian Seidel has welcomed the NSW decision, but wants free flu vaccinations for all Australians.

‘Influenza vaccines should be available to every Australian this winter, not only children,’ RACGP President Dr Bastian Seidel told newsGP.
Dr Seidel wants to see the Federal Government follow NSW Health Minister Brad Hazzard’s lead and consider a vaccination program that provides all Australians with a free flu vaccination.
‘We want to see action, not just announcements,’ Dr Seidel said. ‘Our political leaders must commit to this in an effort to avoid a repeat of last year’s flu season.’
Dr Seidel believes a government-subsidised flu vaccination program would be less of a financial burden than the economic losses from the annual deaths, healthcare expenditure, and lost work productivity associated with influenza.
‘We are seeing the same story over and over again: on average, 3000 deaths a year, 18,000 hospital admissions and 350,000 Australians affected by the flu,’ Dr Seidel said. ‘It is in the best interest of the people of Australia that our government provide everyone with free flu vaccinations.’

flu-vaccination free-vaccination

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Kylie Fardell   26/01/2018 12:33:58 PM

Wasn't one of the issues with last year's flu season the fact that the vaccination wasn't particularly effective? How would universal government subsidised immunisation have made a difference?
