
02 Nov 2017

Welcome to newsGP

2/11/2017 2:47:56 PM

Welcome to newsGP, designed and developed for RACGP members to keep you informed of news relevant to Australian general practice.

Welcome to newsGP
Welcome to newsGP

newsGP will report the news as it happens, with our sole focus to keep you informed.

We won’t chase headlines, won’t chase clicks. We will deal in facts.

It’s a new idea in general practice – a professional college delivering the news – but we think you’ll like it. newsGP combines clinical articles directly relating to the treatment of patients with professional articles on policy, procedures or managing a practice. We also cover all of the latest news from the RACGP, explaining position statements and advocacy efforts.

New stories will be published every working day, allowing us to report on the issues of concern to you instantly, with the headlines dropped in your inbox every Tuesday and Friday.

newsGP will include feature articles, profiles and opinion pieces from general practice thought leaders and colleagues to help stimulate discussion on the issues that matter. shareGP is where you can comment on, influence, provide ideas and talk with your peers on the newsGP items of interest to you.

Most importantly, newsGP is published for RACGP members. If you have any feedback or even an idea for a story, let us know on


general news newsGP practice RACGP

newsGP weekly poll Is it becoming more difficult to access specialist psychiatric support for patients with complex mental presentations?

newsGP weekly poll Is it becoming more difficult to access specialist psychiatric support for patients with complex mental presentations?



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Surekha desai   3/11/2017 3:31:23 PM

Good, if well supervised
