‘A good news story’: RACGP welcomes rural training boost Regional and rural areas are set to benefit from a $90 million injection for the setup of six new medical school programs.
Doctors criticise strategy’s fossil fuel omission The Government released the Australia’s first National Health and Climate Strategy this week – but some GPs believe it does not go far enough.
How improving cultural safety can lead to better outcomes Harnessing transformation and culturally safe values within the healthcare system are central to Indigenous health leader Janine Mohamed.
‘The bar has been set too low’: RACGP criticises oversight of PHNs Federal Government scrutiny of the country’s 31 Primary Health Networks is falling well short, according to the college.
What referral options exist for people with hepatitis B? SPONSORED: Discover what GPs need to know when supporting patients to choose the right hepatitis B treatment pathway for them.
COPD clinical care standards up for review GPs are being asked to have their say on the care that people living with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease should expect to receive.
‘I like to think I’ve made a difference’ For more than two decades, this GP has harnessed a passion for remote health to improve outcomes in disadvantaged communities.
Landmark Australian Cancer Plan hailed as ‘a new era’ GPs are expected to play a major role in a new 10-year blueprint Cancer Australia says will transform care across the country.
Indigenous health panel urges GPs to call out ‘elephant in the room’ ‘We need to open doors we have never opened before’, three of the world’s leading health equality advocates have said.
‘A shining example of dedication, empathy and leadership’ Inspiring speeches and stories were heard as the college celebrated the 2023 RACGP Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health awards.