At-home bowel cancer screening could reduce colonoscopy need Research suggests faecal immunochemical tests can safely personalise cancer surveillance and lower associated healthcare costs.
Breakthrough in mRNA vaccines for melanoma Preliminary research shows personalised melanoma mRNA vaccines given with an immunotherapy drug reduce risk of death and recurrence.
Ill health burden increases in Australia New statistics from the AIHW suggest that people spent more time unwell in 2022 than previous years – a trend driven by COVID-19.
In Practice: Last chance for early bird rates Discounted rates for next year’s International Medicine in Addiction conference are closing soon.
Post-cancer smoking cessation and the role of GPs SPONSORED: Quitting can make a world of difference for people with cancer who smoke, writes Quit Centre GP program advisor Dr Eileen Cole.
Calls for stronger public health messages for cervical screening Despite Australia being on track to eliminate cervical cancer, knowledge gaps and barriers remain, particularly around self-collection.
Risk of death for some melanomas less than 1%: Study Researchers say some melanomas confer a low risk of mortality and should be called by another name – but how relevant is it to Australia?
National Bowel Cancer Screening Program Gastroenterologist Dr Hooi Ee discusses the National Bowel Cancer Screening Program and the role GPs play.
Why some women question the link between alcohol and breast cancer Participants in a recent study said they take health warnings related to the issue with ‘a pinch of salt’ for a number of reasons.
PSA testing ‘dilemma’: A pathologist’s perspective Prostate cancer screening guidelines are typically debated by urologists and GPs, but a pathologist’s perspective adds extra nuance to a discussion often seen as black and white.