Transparency and out-of-pocket specialist fees Patients’ out-of-pocket fees are again in the spotlight, prompting Dr Evelyn Lewin to explore the surrounding issues.
Working towards improved health for men Men’s Health Week aims to raise more awareness of preventive health issues and promote early detection and management of disease among men and boys.
Burden of disease report: Impacts and causes of death Almost $120 billion of recurrent health expenditure was attributed to specific groups of diseases in 2015–16.
GPs recognised in Queen’s Birthday Honours List The achievements of GPs from around the nation were commemorated in the Queen’s Birthday 2019 Honours List.
June issue of Australian Journal of General Practice now available The latest edition of the RACGP’s peer-reviewed scholarly journal is available online.
Why does Australia no longer have a dedicated rural health minister? Peak health bodies have expressed concern over the lack of a dedicated rural health minister in the new-look Morrison ministry.
International commitment to tackle antimicrobial resistance The World Health Assembly’s 194 member states have called for continued action on the ‘global warming’ of healthcare.
Are you ready? Future-proofing your practice Three practice owners explore how GPs can meet the coming technological revolution with enthusiasm about the possibilities and changes it presents.
Disconnect between thoughts and actions on advance care planning Results of a recent survey show that most Australians know they should plan for the end of their lives, but are putting it off.