

June issue of Australian Journal of General Practice now available

Paul Hayes

5/06/2019 10:43:53 AM

The latest edition of the RACGP’s peer-reviewed scholarly journal is available online.

AJGP cover
June’s AJGP focuses on skin cancer medicine and its key role in Australian general practice.

The June issue of the Australian Journal of General Practice (AJGP) focuses on skin cancer medicine and its integral role in Australian general practice.
Cutaneous melanoma: Latest developments
Several new medications have shown improved survival rates in high-risk patients with melanoma. This article aims to discuss the new medications, outlining their roles, expected benefits and the risk of adverse events.
Anthony J Dixon, Howard K Steinman, Alexander Nirenberg, Stuart Anderson, John B Dixon  
Punch biopsy is best avoided for clinically suspicious pigmented lesions
Punch biopsy is a poor diagnostic modality for clinically suspicious pigmented lesions.
Dariush Adybeik, Dominico Ciranni, Leila Moayed Alaei  
Improving diagnostic accuracy for suspicious melanocytic skin lesions: New Australian melanoma clinical practice guidelines stress the importance of clinician/pathologist communication
The aim of this article is to highlight important clinical information that clinicians can provide to pathologists in order to facilitate accurate diagnosis of melanocytic tumours.
Richard A Scolyer, H Peter Soyer, John W Kelly, et al
Benign pigmented skin lesions
The objectives of this paper are to develop a framework that may be used to evaluate pigmented skin lesions and a strategy for dealing with them.
Philip Clarke
Management of invasive melanoma
This paper aims to identify suboptimal aspects of melanoma management.
Anthony J Dixon, Howard K Steinman, Alexander Nirenberg, Zoe L Dixon, Stuart Anderson, John B Dixon
Skin cancer medicine integral to Australian general practice
Skin cancer medicine is a core component of Australian general practice and is consistently in the top 10 conditions managed.
Stephen A Margolis
June correspondence
Readers express their opinions on published articles and topics of interest.
Care of laryngectomy stomas in general practice
The purpose of this article is to provide an overview of total laryngectomy stomas and inform GPs of the frequently encountered complications in order to improve stoma-related care and patient outcomes.
Christopher Jackson, Cameron Grigg, Megan Green, Roger Grigg  
A paediatric jaw lump: Desmoid tumour
Case: A two-and-a-half-year-old girl presented to her GP with a firm lump on her left jaw.
Jason Diab, David David, Benjamin Grave  
Rash in a returned traveller from Bali
Dengue is a common cause of fever and rash in travellers returning from South-East Asia.
Wayne Liao, Naomi Runnegar 
Factors influencing young women’s contraceptive choices
Australia’s high rate of unintended pregnancy could be lowered by increasing long-acting reversible contraception use.
Lily Claringbold, Lena Sanci, Meredith Temple-Smith  
Antibiotic prescribing for tonsillopharyngitis in a general practice setting: Can the use of Modified Centor Criteria reduce antibiotic prescribing?
An investigative study into whether using the Modified Centor Criteria reduces antibiotic prescribing in a general practice setting.
Chirag Patel, Benjamin Daniel Green, Jacynta May Batt, et al
Promoting professional behaviour in general practitioner training practices: The views of practice managers
Practice managers are well placed to model and teach professional behaviour, and their skills should be further used in educating general practice registrars.
Christine Longman, Meredith Temple-Smith
Young Australians’ experiences of sexual healthcare provision by general practitioners
Young people experience higher rates of sexually transmissible infections and lower screening rates than the general population.
Aaron Coleman, Aimee Tran, Amy Hort, et al
Clinical challenge
June clinical challenge
The clinical challenge is based on this month’s Focus articles. The activity has been endorsed by the RACGP Quality Improvement and Continuing Professional Development (QI&CPD) program and has been allocated four Category 2 points (Activity ID: 160107). To complete this activity, go to gplearning and log in with the username and password you use to log in to the RACGP website.

AJGP Australian Journal of General Practice skin cancer

newsGP weekly poll Do you think the Government’s promise to rollout an extra 50 urgent care clinics will place additional strain or negatively impact the already limited GP workforce?

newsGP weekly poll Do you think the Government’s promise to rollout an extra 50 urgent care clinics will place additional strain or negatively impact the already limited GP workforce?



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