New standard provides up-to-date guidance on colonoscopy referral and care The Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care’s Colonoscopy clinical care standard is aimed at reducing unnecessary procedures and improving care at every stage of the process.
Dangerous mouthful: Push for more resources to manage allergies Australia may have come a long way in managing allergies, but National Allergy Strategy co-Chair Richard Loh says more needs to be done.
Tips for candidates to improve OSCE outcomes The RACGP has released its biannual report on the Objective Structured Clinical Examination, which includes recommendations and advice to assist candidates in preparing for and sitting the exam.
Mind – and mine – your general practice data Dr Chris Hogan calls for better use of the data routinely collected by GPs.
Help parents search Dr Google about their child’s health, researcher urges doctors Most parents search for medical information about their child’s health online, but only around half find out if an information source is reliable, according to an Australian researcher.
New funding to support clinical trials Federal Health Minister Greg Hunt has announced a new plan for a national clinical trials process.
GP questions study claiming pharmacists in practices lead to better outcomes Prominent healthcare quality expert Dr Evan Ackermann has told newsGP there are issues with a study suggesting placing pharmacists in general practices leads to a reduction in drug-related problems.
Heavy menstrual bleeding: Understanding the options Hayley Harrison served as a consumer advocate for the Australian Commission of Safety and Quality in Health Care on the ‘Heavy menstrual bleeding clinical standard’, bringing her lived experience of the condition to the working group.
Clinical Pearl: Osteoporosis and breast cancer Bone health is of paramount importance for patients undergoing aromatase inhibitor (AI) therapy for breast cancer. While endocrine treatments improve cancer-specific outcomes, they may cause severe hypogonadism leading to accelerated bone loss.