‘Overhaul My Health Record’: Health of the Nation preview One third of GPs have rarely or never used My Health Record, according to the first findings to be released from the new 2024 RACGP report.
GP jumps into the ‘Deep End’ for Churchill Fellowship A movement in Scotland connecting GPs working in the most deprived communities has inspired Dr Tim Senior to create more networks at home.
GPs speak out amid walk-in centre concerns GPs say they are increasingly troubled about the fragmentation of care the nurse-led centres create and the model’s impact on patient safety.
Medical Board fees to increase The registration will increase more than any other next year, jumping to $1027, but AHPRA said it has ‘worked hard to find a balance’.
Meet Australia’s new Rural Health Commissioner Professor Jenny May will address the RACGP Rural Member Forum next week, sharing her insights and plans for the future of regional healthcare.
In Practice: Consultation on registration and accreditation scheme The RACGP is seeking member feedback on the processes underpinning complaints or notifications about registered health practitioners.
Subsidised RSV vaccines for SA infants The State Government will roll out the new program in winter next year, with subsidised vaccines for unprotected newborns and high-risk children.
ACT Labor commits to training and payroll tax relief The RACGP welcomes the party’s election vows, including expanding GPs’ role in ADHD diagnosis and bulk-billing incentives.
Expert urges GPs to make time for self-care amid burnout GPs must ‘re-evaluate how we design our work day’, and look after themselves, not just their patients, says one GP24 keynote speaker.
RACGP unveils Scope of Practice Review insights With the final report imminent, the college reveals concerns its ‘simplistic framing misunderstands the principles of good primary care’.