Is general practice ready for the genetic carrier screening surge? GPs must be educated and resourced to meet the ‘inevitable widespread uptake’ of the newly Medicare-funded service, says a new study.
New $30.5m Pre-Fellowship Program pilot launches The trial will help IMGs spend two years in a regional practice, with the aim of developing the skills needed to embark on a GP Fellowship pathway.
Self-collection reaching under-screened populations Uptake of the cervical cancer screening option has been particularly high among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in the NT.
Nine in 10 AGPT participants satisfied with program quality Results from the 2023 National Registrar Survey suggest the transition to college-led training was ‘very successful’, according to an RACGP rep.
The medical educators ensuring equal opportunities for IMGs The Fellowship Support Program has ‘grown enormously’ in the past year, and could expand further should it receive Government support.
Can medicine repurposing help GPs? Quality care experts say GPs should consider a new TGA program looking to expand prescribing criteria and medicine access, but there are caveats.
Physical examinations: How to avoid misunderstandings SPONSORED: Clear communication is the most effective way to avoid misunderstandings in the doctor–patient relationship, writes Dr Jane Deacon.
RACGP voices support for Indigenous health equity The college has reiterated its commitment help Close the Gap by 2030 and empower more First Nations people to become GPs.
Lung cancer added to national screening register Eligible Australians could soon be offered a scan every two years in a bid to bolster early detection, but the RACGP says the register needs updating.
The ‘many highlights’ of college-led training in SA Despite expected hurdles adjusting to the new model, the ‘bottom line’ is the registrar experience has continued as it always has done.