Report on Government Services reveals need to shift from EDs to general practice The Federal Government’s Productivity Commission this week released its 2018 Report on Government Services, which details the performance of health services and provides a snapshot of Australian general practice.
Heavy menstrual bleeding: Understanding the options Hayley Harrison served as a consumer advocate for the Australian Commission of Safety and Quality in Health Care on the ‘Heavy menstrual bleeding clinical standard’, bringing her lived experience of the condition to the working group.
New clinical standard to help address variation in care for heavy menstrual bleeding The Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care (ACSQHC) recently launched its Heavy menstrual bleeding clinical care standard (the Standard), with the goals of informing best practice for healthcare providers and empowering the 25% of women of reproductive age who experience the condition.
Productivity Commission report recognises importance of general practice in Australian healthcare The Productivity Commission’s latest report, released to the public yesterday, contains detailed recommendations for a significant overhaul of Australia’s health system, including strong recognition of the importance of preventive and primary care.