Fears ‘forgotten middle class’ may soon be unable to afford a GP Has the cost-of-living crisis left Australian middle class families and individuals among those struggling most to see their GP?
Health sector has third highest inflation in Australia: ABS New figures show the 6.1% increase for the 12 months up to April was only exceeded by alcohol and tobacco, and insurance and financial services.
No funding for onsite GP at Parliament House The RACGP says it is disappointed by revelations funding for the Canberra service was not sought, saying ‘everyone deserves quality care’.
RACGP launches new Reconciliation Action Plan The college has set goal to create a GP profession ‘free from racism’ and reaffirms its support of the Uluru Statement from the Heart.
Significant assignment of benefit reform on the way The RACGP has welcomed legislation to overhaul and streamline the process for bulk billed Medicare services, which is currently ‘stuck in the 1970s’.
In Practice: Censor-in-Chief nominations set to close RACGP Fellows interested in the role only have until Monday afternoon to get their applications in.
GPs’ huge opportunity to provide meaningful palliative care The way in which we care for the dying has a huge impact on the wellbeing of the person who we identify as the patient, writes Dr Louis Christie.
Is prescription affordability impacting hospitalisations? Research has revealed patients unable to pay for medication are ending up in hospitals, as doctors call for cost-of-living relief.
Concerns raised over possible change to medicine advertising rules The RACGP calls for greater transparency and larger fines for breaches in a review of Medicines Australia’s code of conduct.
‘It’s been absolutely terrific’: 96-year-old GP shares secrets to success Dr John Wiseman is one of Australia’s oldest practising doctors, and as he prepares to hang up the stethoscope, says he ‘has no regrets’.