‘A historic day’: RACGP welcomes return of GP training As of 1 February, the AGPT program has officially transitioned back to Australia’s specialist medical colleges.
‘Very exciting’: Tasmania GPs in training trial welcomed A new trial announced by the Prime Minister aims to give rural GPs in training more certainty as they work towards Fellowship.
Celebrating Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health achievements The outstanding contribution made to this community by GPs, GPs in training and medical students has been recognised by the RACGP.
Call for WA and NT rural medical educators New training lead Dr Karin Jodlowski-Tan outlines the benefits of working rurally, as the college prepares for profession-led training.
New training pilot could boost rural GP numbers GPs in training will soon have more opportunities to be placed in rural locations, thanks to the support of remote supervisors.
In Practice: EOI for general practice standards group The RACGP is encouraging members interested in the development of standards and associated resources to nominate for the expert committee.
RACGP Rural celebrates excellence at GP22 Members representing every stage of the GP journey have received top honours for their work in rural and remote Australia.
New mental health care standards for GPs The updated standards were presented at GP22, with RACGP President Dr Nicole Higgins saying the need for mental health care is greater than ever.
Calls for medical educators to take part in ‘shared vision’ of PLT The recruitment of medical educators will make up a large part of the RACGP’s transition to profession-led training.
New government-endorsed PhD pathway for GPs in training The RACGP has announced its 2023 academic post cohort, as well as more support for GPs in training who want to pursue a PhD.