New group looks to address urgent care needs A recently formed RACGP Specific Interest group aims to help raise the standard of urgent and emergency treatment in primary care.
GP aged care standards launched for the first time New college standards set out ‘minimum requirements’ to provide high-quality care in residential aged care homes.
‘A very challenging space’: Opioid deprescribing guide released Work for guidelines was led by researchers at the University of Sydney and includes 11 recommendations with general practice in mind.
My Aged Care will soon stop accepting fax referrals SPONSORED: The nationwide referral program’s transition to e-Referral use will be completed by the end of July.
Professor Michael Kidd to step down from DoH The former RACGP President, who was one of the most high-profile officials dealing with the COVID-19 response, is moving on.
GP support for changes that would help end ‘cycle of poverty’ An RACGP submission has recommended several initiatives aimed at improving access to dental care.
Prime Minister confirms new Health Secretary appointment An experienced public servant has been tapped to fill the role being vacated by Professor Brendan Murphy.
Government unveils $50 million primary care research initiative The funding will aim to ‘drive innovative models of primary care’ as part of the ongoing push to reform Medicare.
Spotlight on bulk billing incentive impact Officials have told the Senate Estimates committee they hope the measure will increase bulk billing rates as well as the viability of general practice.
In Practice: My Aged Care fax to be decommissioned A number of alternative pathways exist, including the GP e-Referral solution and the Make a Referral tool on the My Aged Care website.