GP named next AMA President Dr Danielle McMullen will take over the leadership in October and says her priority is advocating for greater investment into general practice.
RACGP President’s Medicare health check Read what Dr Nicole Higgins said to Australia’s healthcare leaders at last week’s commemoration of Medicare’s 40th birthday.
IWD: Dr Nicole Higgins on the power of mentorship To mark International Women’s Day, the RACGP President reflects on general practice as a career and how to level the playing field.
Big picture critical in general practice reform: RACGP President At a pivotal moment for primary care policy makers, RACGP President Dr Nicole Higgins looks at both the challenges and possibilities lying ahead.
True extent of poor Medicare indexation revealed More than $8.5 billion has been withheld from just one commonly used MBS item number alone, an AMA report has found.
‘Fierce advocate’ announced as RACGP President-elect North Queensland-based practice owner and GP supervisor Dr Nicole Higgins will take over as college President in November.
‘A time of opportunity’: College publishes its advocacy priorities With Medicare confronting its biggest challenges yet, the RACGP President is determined to reset general practice as ‘a career of choice’.
Candidates for RACGP President confirmed Seven GPs will be vying for the two-year position to lead Australia’s peak body for general practice at a time of enormous change.
In Practice: Last chance for President nominations Potential nominees have until 1 August to put their name forward to be the next President of the RACGP.
Appointment recognises a ‘great advocate for general practice’ RACGP President Karen Price has been honoured with a new title for her leadership and advocacy in the discipline of general practice.