New step-by-step care transition guide for GPs A first-of-its-kind, practical resource is now available to GPs, designed to help navigate the often high-risk task of moving patients between care providers.
Conference spotlights future of general practice The RACGP’s Clinical Update was an opportunity to highlight what is working well, and how this can be used to set up a robust future.
GP ‘gag clause’ for VAD to be scrapped Victorian doctors could soon be allowed to raise voluntary assisted dying with their patients for the first time after the State Government vowed to update laws currently ‘impeding access’.
In Practice: EOIs for Practice Owners Conference presentations Expressions of interest are now open to present at the RACGP’s annual conference for current and aspiring practice owners.
New consortium eyes primary care system reforms Professor Michael Kidd will lead GP clinician researchers to identify ‘real work challenges and provide practical solutions’.
CMO renews warnings of vaccine misinformation And as childhood immunisation rates fall, one GP says attempts to debunk the spread of misinformation are like ‘a drop in the ocean’.
In Practice: New MBS item for continuous nerve blockade The item will be added on 1 March to support the provision of continuous nerve blockade using a catheter technique.
New ad campaign to ‘raise the profile’ of primary healthcare The RACGP helped launch the first-of-its-kind Federal Government campaign at Parliament House, spruiking the diversity of general practice.
‘An important milestone’: New MS guidelines published The first consensus statement for multiple sclerosis in Australia and New Zealand includes 80 recommendations for treating the disease.
Is your electorate impacted by a bulk-billing shift? Almost 10% of Federal electorates, including all five in Tasmania, had no clinics offering bulk-billed standard adult consultations, new data found.