National stroke report a call for action With the billion-dollar impact of stroke uncovered, and rates predicted to rise, experts are calling for urgent investment into prevention.
City PBS prescription rates double those in very remote areas One GP says there simply are not enough remote doctors, as new data finds the people living there are accessing medication at a much lower rate.
In Practice: Electronic prescribing updates GPs can keep up to date on electronic prescribing information with an on-demand RACGP webinar and regularly updated webpage.
Preventable hospitalisations soar in GPs’ absence: AIHW Patients with limited GP access are hospitalised three times more than their city counterparts, and the RACGP warns this will only worsen without a funding shakeup.
Call to ‘amplify Indigenous voices in medicine’ this NAIDOC Week Growing up in the Torres Strait gave Dr Joanne Kaczmarek a unique insight into healthcare, now she is calling on GPs to challenge their biases.
Study supports benefits of rural training exposure New research has reinforced the impact regional training pathways can have on a doctors’ longer-term work location.
‘We’re not immune’: Radiologist clinics cut regional bulk billing Jones Radiology says it had to make its regional South Australian clinics more economically viable, as bulk billing is cut in its facilities.
Multivitamins don’t help longevity: Study The study found a 4% higher mortality risk for those on multivitamins after analysing nearly 400,000 study participants.
Fears ‘forgotten middle class’ may soon be unable to afford a GP Has the cost-of-living crisis left Australian middle class families and individuals among those struggling most to see their GP?
What GPs are missing in Indigenous suicide A First Nations psychologist shares advice on how to tackle the youth suicide crisis and says GPs are often ‘told to do the wrong things’.