RACGP tours WA to discuss doctor shortage Boosting access to remote medical treatment was the top priority of an RACGP leaders tour of Western Australia.
Bowel cancer screening rates down Though participation in screening has dropped, wait times for colonoscopy referrals are in excess of the recommended 30-day timeframe.
Best practice support for smoking cessation care A new toolkit to support GPs providing smoking cessation advice also acts as a ‘supplement’ to RACGP guidelines.
DPA change making rural GP recruitment harder With much of Australia now classified as a priority area for doctors, rural health leaders say they are already noticing a rise in pressures on recruitment.
Become A GP: RACGP launches campaign to boost GP workforce The new campaign aims to inspire medical students and junior doctors to specialise in general practice.
Almost a quarter of adults say ‘freedom of choice’ a valid reason not to be vaccinated: Survey Most surveyed on attitudes towards COVID vaccination believe it should be compulsory – but a significant portion say people should be free to choose.
Red tape amid a rural health crisis: Why it can take years to recruit a GP for the bush Practice owners and recruiters bemoan sluggish GP recruitment as the rural workforce shortage worsens.
‘Look, lift, feel’: Being breast-aware for life Oncoplastic breast surgeon Associate Professor Sanjay Warrier hopes his new campaign will empower younger women to carry out their own examinations.
Experts welcome vow to combat smoking and lung cancer rates The Federal Opposition has pledged $40 million towards smoking cessation and the fight against lung cancer.
RACGP assumes responsibility for AGPT program The RACGP has formally signed an agreement with the Federal Government in what is described as the final step towards profession-led Australian general practice training.