GPs alongside oncologists key for melanoma outcomes The latest AJGP shines a light on new drugs, and GPs’ central role in collaborating with oncologists as part of multidisciplinary teams.
False positive breast screens may discourage further testing Research has shown that women who receive false positive results after breast screening are less likely to go back for further testing.
Helping women ‘take ownership of their own healthcare’ Women’s Health Week 2024 centres around ‘Your voice. Your choice’, but for regional patients, that choice can be harder to access.
Do some vaccinations really reduce dementia risk? There is mounting evidence vaccines can reduce the rates of dementia, but one GP says ‘the jury is still out’ on which ones are best.
In Practice: Electronic prescribing updates GPs can keep up to date on electronic prescribing information with an on-demand RACGP webinar and regularly updated webpage.
Approval of cytisine for smoking cessation takes step forward Consultation is now open to make the medication available for GPs to prescribe, but the RACGP raises concerns about its potential for pharmacy prescribing.
How can GPs best spot long COVID cases in children? A new study has revealed paediatric long COVID cases could have vastly different symptoms than adults, and may be going unnoticed.
Female doctor suicide risk 76% higher than general population Research revealed physician suicides are down overall but female doctors are still dying at a much higher rate, leading to calls for greater support.
In Practice: Using CGM to enhance diabetes care outcomes Learn more about the benefits and limitations of continuous glucose monitoring technology and how it can be applied in a rural practice.
Study links semaglutide and suicidal ideation risk There are calls for urgent investigation into its impact on mental health, but GPs are urging caution when interpreting the research.