Injuries the largest cause of death for people with autism: Study GP and autism advocate Dr James Best believes the results confirm people with ASD have a different set of health risk factors.
How to recognise latent TB: Online education for GPs Infectious diseases physician Justin Denholm wants to help Australian GPs identify and treat latent TB, which is more common than many may realise.
Government pledges $32m to medical research sector The financial boost – aimed at helping researchers make breakthroughs a commercial success – is welcome news for people in the field.
Investigating the benefits of electronic health data Jan Radford used her 2017 Churchill Fellowship to explore how routinely collected electronic health record data can be used to improve patient care.
Fighting lung cancer deaths with earlier diagnosis Professor Jon Emery and his CHEST Australia research team want to reduce lung cancer death with a general practice intervention.
Research and statistics on early diagnosis mark World Cancer Day GPs are told to consider laryngeal cancer in cases of persistent sore throat, while Cancer Australia has released new colorectal cancer statistics.
Statins safe to prescribe in people over 75 years of age New research has revealed statin therapy can safely and effectively reduce the risk of major cardiovascular events in people over 75 years of age.
Working towards a cure for Parkinson’s The Government is making a major investment to improve quality of life for people with Parkinson’s disease – and ultimately find a cure.
Researchers appeal for support, with some GPs forced to ‘moonlight’ The establishment of UK fellowships to support GPs combining research with clinical work has prompted calls for a similar initiative in Australia.
An all-but-forgotten use of biological killers may help beat superbugs Bacteriophage viruses seek out and kill specific bacteria – even drug-resistant strains.